AMERICA 1776.07.04 AmericanIndependenceDay TheLeader——Franklin ThehistoryofAmericanIndependenceday •IndependenceDayisoneofthemainstatutoryholiday,thedateofJuly4theachyear•TocommemoratetheJuly4,1776ContinentalCongressformallyadoptedin•TheAmericanfulltitleUnitedStatesofAmerica,variousadministrativestatehasthe...
IntheU.S.Mothers'DayisaholidaycelebratedonsecondSundayinMay.Itisadaywhenchildrenhonortheirmotherswithcards,gifts,andflowers.FirstobservanceinPhiladelphia,Pa.in1907,itisbasedonsuggestionsbyJuliaWardHowein1872andbyAnnaJarvisin1907.IndependenceDay IndependenceDay(IndependenceDay)isoneofthemainstatutoryholiday,thedate...
Gruel from 1828 _ Independence Day Celebration 1828 年的格鲁尔_独立日庆祝活动 23:52 Indian Pudding _ Food For The Poor _ 200 Year Old Advice 印度布丁_穷人的食物_200 年前的建议 24:41 Building a Homestead _Part 1__ The Foundation建造家园__第 1 部分__地基 15:14 Let's Eat Beef &...
英语国家概况_第五课_美国概况_The_United_States_of_America AnIntroductiontoEnglishSpeakingCountries 英语国家概括 张学力 QQ:1772708276邮箱 Lesson5TheUnitedStatesofAmerica GeographyPopulationHistoryEconomyPoliticsMusic,Sports,Holidays U.S.AintheWorld TopographicMapoftheU...
* The Traditional Festival Of America New Year LincolnsBirthday St.Valentines Day Washingtons Birthday April Fools Day Mothers Day Independence Day Halloween Thanksgiving Day Christmas Happy New Year January 1, the beginning of a new year, as far back in history as we can tell, people have cel...
Important festivals in AmericaNameDateHoliday or notCelebrationsNew Year’s DayJanuary 1stYesPeople have big parties to welcome the new year.St. Valentine’s DayFebruary 14thNoLovers send flowers and chocolates to each other.Easter Day/Easter SundayA Sunday between March 22nd and April 25thYesPeople...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook United States Constitution (redirected fromConstitution of america) Dictionary Related to Constitution of america:Declaration of Independence </>embed</> jurisprudence law Nineteenth Am... Eighteenth Am... Fourteenth Am... ...
"Independence Day" has become like Christmas: everyone likes to get festive and celebrate, but few remember the underlying reason the holiday began.We commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776According to that document, America's Founding Fathers were willing to ...
If I want a romantic meal with my other half, I don’t want his attention on the sports match above him. He might though, to be fair. And I suppose if you’re on a disastrous date, it’s potentially a good distraction. But really, do we need more TVs shouting stuff at us in ...
The Independence Day tradition dates nearly as far back as the country’s beginning and was proposed by one of the Founding Fathers. Read more Nixon’s July 4 Bash Ended With Tear Gas and Nude Protesters President Nixon’s ‘Honor America Day’ featured the Rev. Billy Graham and Bob Hope...