Previous Amendments means Amendments #1, 2 and/or 3. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents SaveCopy Examples of Previous Amendments in a sentence Unless otherwise defined in this Amendment, all capitalized terms in this Amendment shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the License Agreement, as amend...
(each as defined in the Note Issue Supplement), to effect the transition from LIBOR to Compounded Daily SONIA as more fully described in the Amendment Deed; and 11. agree that capitalised terms in this document where not defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Consent ...
The legal definition of due process is a citizen must be given the equal treatment of the law in a legal proceeding and their rights must be protected in any case. What are the three types of due process rights? Three types of due process are procedural (right to have a fair and just...
Common Medical Abbreviations and Their Meanings 42個詞語 hold3n_x預覽 novel elements 48個詞語 camrynwiers26預覽 Liturgy and Sacred Words 10個詞語 milaa_balar預覽 Anatomy - Path of Blood 17個詞語 JFLYNN11001預覽 dsm ch 6 7個詞語 acargill57預覽 Week 5 vocabulary 10th grade 10個詞語 aiden_mitch...
The equal protection rights come to effect here when the Amendment directs that no one should be denied their liberty, life, or even property if there is no due process. Due process affirms that there is fairness and transparency in all legal proceedings. On the other hand, the 'Miranda ...
days), investment grade debt securities, including treasury bills and promissory notes issued or guaranteed by Canadian governments or their agencies, bankers' acceptances, asset-backed commercial paper, and commercial paper issued by Canadian chartered banks, loan companies, trust companies and ...
staff acknowledging that they would carefully examine the wording, as even within the insurance industry the term was used with different meanings. What the staff meant here was reinsurance coverage proportionate to the claims incurred and not splitting up contracts...
prohibits leaders of enterprises under Chongqing Municipal Government from receiving any form of remuneration such as salaries, bonuses, allowances and other additional benefits in their part-time employment, and relevant remuneration will be transferred to the account of company nominating her by the ...
In order to further stimulate the independent non-executive Directors and external Supervisor to discharge their duties diligently, better protect the overall interests of the Company and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders, especially minority shareholders, the Board, with ...
have adequate rights to participate actively in the relevant exploration and/or extraction work and provide an alternative for those applicants who are unable to meet current financial track record requirements. Capitalized terms used herein but not defined have the meanings set forth in the New ...