这才过去两三天,又蓝屏两次,每次都是开多个优酷之类的网络视频窗口就会内容变绿屏然后蓝屏,比之前好在会自动恢复然后重启,今天又快蓝屏,我立马关了视频,右下角提示,显示器AMD driver 驱动已停止并恢复,我就搜了百度,有人说 禁用监视器就行。。我就把通用即插即用监视器, 这个选项禁用了,然后又玩了一小时关机...
HD 6970和HD 6950的推出为具有EQAA(增强质量AA)的Catalyst驱动程序增加了传统的AA模式,而AMD还实现了对HD3D的支持,这一次使用PowerTune进行了动态功耗分析。 一般来说,Cayman部件要比第一代Fermi芯片好。他们本来应该胜过他们,但比第二代(GTX 500s)落后了几个百分点,而且随后两个阵营的driver版本增加了进一步的差异。
Installation Error 175 Install Driver For HD6900 Series Hi everyone, İ have amd radeon hd 6950 powercolor i can install driver version 15... But some games need to version 16 When i search latest download on my catalsty center, it find ver 16 but i get en error 175 when i install...
Trying to reinstall legacy drivers for Radeon HD 6950 Downloaded both the available packages for Win7 32bit and neither are working. The Catalyst Suite has an error of a .inf file that cannot be found and the Crimson Beta doesn't appear to install any graphics driver at all. Never had a...
方法是安装AMD第三方驱动Catalyst_UnifL_Driver,这个驱动整合了AMD和Intel的驱动,完美实现AMD和Intel双显卡切换。下载网站是http://leshcatlabs.net/index.php/category/unifl/。这个网站更新很快,会在AMD和Intel官方发布新驱动后第一时间发布整合驱动。这是 120510 显卡吧 专业砸墙补墙 给大家推荐一个AMD稳定的驱动...
- 3DMark Sky Driver:A4-6300提升最多4%,支持AMD交火、双显卡技术 - 3DMark Fire Strike:R9 290系列提升最多5% - 3DMark 11:R9 290/270系列提升最多4% - 《生化奇兵:无限》:R9 290系列1080p分辨率提升最多5% - 《英雄连2》:R9 290系列提升最多8% -《Crysis 3》:R9 290/270系列提升最多10% - 《超...
A friendly reminder that the most recent AMD WHQL driver was released 8 weeks ago, whereas the most recent nVIDIA WHQL driver was released 1 week ago. A friendly reminder that many people install AMD beta drivers because they don't have any other option to get working profile for their game...
该驱动程序支持 AMD HD 5000、6000、7000、 以及全新的R7/R9系列台式机GPU,同时支持Trinity、Richland以及Kaveri系列台式机APU。 驱动特色 AMD网吧专用驱动程序由AMD国内的研发团队定制与维护,不间断地进行基于国内热门网络游戏,视频应用,网吧无盘,计费,游戏更新等应用与管理软件的AMD 3A平台兼容性测试,针对国内网吧环境...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":10735484,"subject":"Please update your AMD Radeon driver error","id":"message:10735484","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":11,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:-1"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:star-wars-...
Otherwise it can be forced via the Catalyst Control Center, either by forcing an AA mode, or as is the case with NVIDIA, enhancing the AA mode by letting the game set the AA mode while the driver overrides the game and specifies different Multisample Quality attribute. Thus the “enhance ...