NICMOS Imaging of a Damped Lyman-alpha Absorber at z=1.89 toward LBQS\n 1210+1731 : Constraints on Size and Star Formation Rate We report results of a high-resolution imaging search (in rest frame H-$\\\alpha$ and optical continuum) for the galaxy associated with the damped Lym... VP ...
All studies of high redshift galaxies rely on the star formation rates (SFRs) based on local calibrations, usually hydrogen recombination lines. Of these, Paschen-(alpha) ((lambda)1.8571 micron) suffers the least from dust extinction, and is a direct tracer of the ionizing radiation from young...
x3 = x1+8; y3 = y1+10; shp.Points(end+1,:) = [x3 y3]; plot(shp) Extended Capabilities Thread-Based Environment Run code in the background using MATLAB®backgroundPoolor accelerate code with Parallel Computing Toolbox™ThreadPool. Version History Introduced in R2014b...
Predicting Lyman-alpha escape fractions with a simple observable:Lyman-alpha in emission as an empirically calibrated star formation rate indicator Observed Lyα luminosities and EW0 are easy measurable quantities at high redshift, thus making our relation a practical tool to estimate intrinsic Lyα ...
Star2.8k master 1Branch0Tags Code Repository files navigation README AlphaTree : DNN && GAN && NLP && BIG DATA 从新手到深度学习应用工程师 从AI研究的角度来说,AI的学习和跟进是有偏向性的,更多的精英是擅长相关的一到两个领域,在这个领域做到更好。而从AI应用工程师的角度来说,每一个工程都可能涉及...
The Lyman-$\alpha$ line is expected to be strong in the presence of active star formation and the absence of dust, making it a good tool for finding chemically primitive galaxies in the early universe. We report on a new survey for high redshift Lyman-$\alpha$ sources, the Large Area ...
If you find our work helpful for your research, please consider giving a star ⭐ and citation 📝 @misc{sun2023alphaclip, title={Alpha-CLIP: A CLIP Model Focusing on Wherever You Want}, author={Zeyi Sun and Ye Fang and Tong Wu and Pan Zhang and Yuhang Zang and Shu Kong and Yuanju...
The alpha-element (O, Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti) abundance of a star is an indicator of the star's enrichment history. Type II supernovae create large amounts of the alpha elements with respect to iron, while Type Ia supernovae do not. Until recently, the measured abundances of the alpha...
Run code in the background using MATLAB®backgroundPoolor accelerate code with Parallel Computing Toolbox™ThreadPool. Version History Introduced in R2020b See Also pattern|string, " "|contains|extract|digitsPattern|lettersPattern|characterListPattern|whitespacePattern|wildcardPattern|regexp ...
We've seen our titles on the New York Times, the USA Today, Toronto Star, Het Parole, and host of other international bestseller lists around the world. My novel UNRECONCILED was placed 1st in the International Book Awards for the science fiction category. Several of our novels have been ...