Anime, as a medium, has given rise to a multitude of powerful characters, each with their own distinct abilities and backstories.
"If you want to manually control both width and height of the output image, rename the application to PhotoResizeWxH.exe, where W is the requested width and H the requested height. It is your responsibility to set correct aspect ratio in this case." This tool is AWESOME, but if there's...
X, Nemesis, the 9-foot-tall Lady Dimitrescu - all these names will burn in your memories because of hours of running away. Resident Evil has mastered the balance between nail-biting horror, puzzle-solving, and over-the-top action. 6. Outer Wilds Can you imagine that NASA made an indie ...
Keys can contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, .(period) and _(underscore). For example: You have a document you want to copy that's a template containing these fields: Name = [[Customer.Name]] Age = [[Customer.Age]] [[Greeting]], [[Customer.Name]]! You pass this ...
It inserts the picture in an email, you type one or two characters to bring up contacts with email addresses with that letter in their name' enter a subject and message then send, it goes via your email account in much the same way as an MMS CONNECTS TO AN MMS SERVER. The reason the...
Issue # 2: One or more node names “ocmnode1.localdomain” contain one or more of the following invalid characters “.” [grid@ocmnode2 addnode]$ . oraenv ORACLE_SID = [grid] ? +ASM2 The Oracle base has been set to /u01/app/grid [grid@ocmnode2 addnode]$ pwd /u01/app/12.1.0...
string [ 10 .. 32 ] characters Identifier of the folder whose link sharing settings you want to get. You can pass in either of these identifiers: folder_id: Identifier returned in the id field when you call the Get Folder API method. secret path: 12-character identifier that you can ...