e21116#Background:Clinical trials have been a vital role for survival improvement in recurrent or metastatic lung cancer. Recent advances in targeted therapy forEGFR-mutant orALK-positive lung adenocarcinoma dramatically increased survival. However,EGFR-wild type andALKnegative lung adenocarcinoma still ...
2. Filippo Tommaso Gallina et al. ALK rearrangement is an independent predictive factor of unexpected nodal metastasis after surgery in early stage, clinical node negative lung adenocarcinoma. Lung Cancer. 2023 Jun:180:107215
[3]Priyanka Sharma, Bruce F Kimler, Anne P O'Dea, et al. Randomized phase II trial of anthracycline-free and anthracycline-containing neoadjuvant carboplatin chemotherapy regimens in stage I-III triple-negative breast ca...
2. Yang L, Ling Y, Guo L, et al. Detection of ALK translocation in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) and its clinicopathological significance using the Ventana immunohistochemical staining method: a single-center large-scale investigation of 1, 504 Chinese Han patients. Chin J Cancer Res....
Results The ALK rearrangements were associated with younger age of the cases and were all EGFR wild type compared with ALK-negative patients. The sensitivity and specificity of IHC were 100% and 98.3% , respectively, and the coincidence between the FISH and the IHC was 98.4% . Conclusions IHC...
ROS1 rearrangement has become an important biomarker for targeted therapy in advanced lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). The study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of ROS1 rearrangement in Chinese LUAD with EGFR wild-type and ALK fusion-negative status, and analyze the relationship with their clinicopatholo...
In the present study, we intended to validate a NanoString nCounterALK-fusion panel in routine biopsies of FFPE lung cancer patients. A total of 43 samples were analyzed, 13 ALK-positive and 30 ALK-negative, as previously detected by FISH and/or immunohistochemistry. The NanoString panel ...
tientshadmorenon—smokerthanthatofALKnegativepatients(P<0.05),andadenocarcinomawaspredominant(P<0.05).Fluo— rescentPCRwasappliedin132cases.ThecoincidencerateincreasedwithpositiveintensityofIHCstaining.Conclusion IHCisa reliablemethodtoscreentheALKinlungcancer,andthenincreaseitspositiveratio.FluorescentPCRplaysasignif...
Ob|ective To evaluate the t herapeut ic effects of different therapeutic regimens for non-smal1.cell lung cancer (NSCLC)with or without EML4一ALK rearrangement.Methods Twenty—one ALK-positive and 50 ALK-negative NSCLC pat ients who received voluntarily EML4一ALK testing and 75 NSCLC pat ie...