可能的输出: default-aligned addr: 0x1e40c20 1024-byte aligned addr: 0x1e41000 引用 C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): The aligned_alloc function (p: 347-348) 参阅C语言 | C++中文网
C 动态内存管理 在标头 <stdlib.h> 定义 void *aligned_alloc( size_t alignment, size_t size ); (C11 起) 分配size 个字节的未初始化存储空间,按照 alignment 指定对齐。size 形参必须是 alignment 的整数倍。 aligned_alloc 是线程安全的:它表现得如同只访问通过其参数可见的内存区域,而非任何静态...
aligned_alloc()函数-C/C++ 无名之辈 SOME DREAMS ARE TOO BIG TO DIE9 人赞同了该文章 函数签名 void *aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size); 函数定义在中 第一个参数alignment规定了分配空间的起始地址对齐的位置,由于地址是二进制的因此alignment也必须是2的整数次方. 比如$...
aligned_alloc是线程安全的:它的行为就好像只访问通过参数可见的内存位置,而不是任何静态存储。 先前调用free或realloc释放内存区域的同步 -调用aligned_alloc该内存分配同一区域或部分内存区域。在通过释放函数访问内存之后以及在通过内存访问内存之前,会发生此同步aligned_alloc。所有分配和解除分配功能在内存的每个...
错误信息“fatal error: alignedalloc allocation failed - process out of memory”表明在尝试使用aligned_alloc函数进行内存分配时,系统无法满足所需的内存对齐和大小要求,因为进程已经耗尽了可用的内存。aligned_alloc函数用于分配具有特定对齐要求的内存块,当系统无法提供这样的内存块时,就会抛出此错误。
Bug report Bug description: In python-build-standalone, we support macOS 10.9. While this is really old and we can definitely bump to a newer version, we often find symbol references without guards when building CPython. In this case, al...
I'm in a Windows 7 64-bit system with MinGW, MSYS, Nvidia Vulkan drivers. Current revision: 89f438d Cmake: cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -D VULKAN_INCLUDE_DIR=/c/MinGW/include/vulkan/ .. Make: Scanning dependencies of...
+++ b/lib/genalloc.c @@ -481,6 +481,26 @@ unsigned long gen_pool_first_fit(unsigned long *map, unsigned long size, EXPORT_SYMBOL(gen_pool_first_fit); /** + * gen_pool_first_fit_order_align - find the first available region ...
This function is not supported in Microsoft C Runtime library because its implementation of std::free is unable to handle aligned allocations of any kind. Instead, MS CRT provides _aligned_malloc (to be freed with _aligned_free). ExampleRun...
#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>intmain(){int*p1=static_cast<int*>(std::malloc(10*sizeof*p1));std::printf("default-aligned address: %p\n",static_cast<void*>(p1));std::free(p1);int*p2=static_cast<int*>(std::aligned_alloc(1024,1024));std::printf("1024-byte aligned address:...