Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created, with Alien: Covenant. The Covenant ship crew, bound for a remote planet, discovers...
Having watched it AFTER Covenant the other day, I strongly believe it should have been made a part of it, not a separate online release. You'll understand why after you see Covenant for yourself.If you're an Alien fan then this little short will add more cohesion and structure to the ...
I would like to Start a Topic to discus the BACKLASH from the events of Alien Covenant, in Context to Planet 4 and the Paradise that has been LAID TO WASTE. We can Safely assume that AC is Canon and will SET in Motion events that would lead to ALIEN and Impact the Franchise. But th...
LATEST Alien:Covenant. Jack Nicholson character reprise 4 Replies 6,334 Views Started Mar-31-2017 8:08 PM by Batchpool Last reply by BigDave on Apr-01-2017 4:06 AM Alienraptor: Velociraptor Xenomorph concept is pure nightmare fuel 3 Replies 7,483 Views Started May-08-2023 5:42 PM by ...
Welcome to the official forum thread for Alien: Covenant - The Unofficial Animated Series! This topic will act as a refuge for feedback, suggestions, comments and general queries concerning the series. For bas...
Prometheus (2012) Alien: Covenant (2017) Alien (1979) Alien: Romulus (2024) Aliens (1986) Alien 3 (1992) Alien Resurrection (1997) How to watch every Alien movie online Thanks to Hulu, you can now watch every single Alien movie in one place —even the new film, which is set to ...
Witness the last supper - the first prologue featurette for Alien: Covenant has debuted online following its television debut during FX's Legion
• Alien: Covenant - Blu-ray and UHD Blu-ray, 16th of August, 2017. 26 Aug 19, 2017 • Alien (Ridley Scott) 10 Jul 22, 2010 • Alien Anthology (Facehugger Edition) 9 Jul 06, 2011 • Alien Egg Packaging re-release question. 7 Dec 08, 2010 • Alien Vs Predator / AVP 2...
09 May 2017 What’s the significance of the Carlo Bugatti chair inAlien Covenant? Alien: Covenantis a bloody horror with enough aliens, spaceships and gore to be keep the average cinema-goer suitably entertained, yet there is a philosophical heart to the movie which explores a deeper concept:...
Here’s where you can watch the entire franchise, from Ridley Scott’s 1979 original masterpiece to 2017’s “Alien: Covenant” If you want to stream all of the movies in the “Alien” franchise, including the “Alien vs. Predator” spinoffs, head over to Hulu. ...