景点介绍 (Introduction): 阿拉斯加州(State of Alaska)位于北美大陆西北端,东与加拿大接壤,另三面环北冰洋、白令海和北太平洋。该州拥有全美20座最高山脉中的17座,6194米的麦金利峰是北美最高峰。世界上大多数活动冰川在阿州境内,其中最大的马拉斯皮纳冰川流域面积为5703平方公里。 州面积1,717,854平方公里,占全国...
阿拉斯加州(State of Alaska)位于北美大陆西北端,东与加拿大接壤,另三面环北冰洋、白令海和北太平洋。 via:youtube Drone Snap http://t.cn/A6q9f868
State forests:2 State parks/recreation areas:156 Seeadditional census data Area codes Tourism office Map of Alaska The State of Alaska, also known as "The Last Frontier", is the largest state in the United States in terms of land area and the 49th state to join the Union. Its capital ...
阿拉斯加州(State of Alaska)位于北美大陆西北端,东与加拿大接壤,另三面环北冰洋、白令海和北太平洋。朱诺(Juneau)是美国阿拉斯加州的首府。 石油、捕渔业、旅游和航空货运是阿拉斯加州的四大支柱产业。 该州作为美国面积最大的州,占全美面积的五分之一,拥有丰富的矿产资源,锌,铅,金,银,煤储量丰富,2011年,阿拉斯加...
The state of Alaska is the largest state in the United States in terms of land area, 570,374 square miles. It covers more than twice as much land than the next largest state, Texas.
BBC 2015年正在播出的纪录片,按四季来介绍北美阿拉斯加这片神奇的冻土,一周一集,已经播出两集,后续更新中。 阿拉斯加州(英语:State of Alaska,俄语:Аляска),是位于美国西北太平洋沿岸、第49个加入美国合众国的一个州,也是美国面积最大的州、世界最大的飞地
The meaning of ALASKA is state (territory 1912—59) of the U.S. in northwestern North America bounded by the Arctic and Pacific oceans and bordering on Canada; capital Juneau area 591,004 square miles (1,530,700 square kilometers), making it by far the l
65% of the state's land is owned and managed by the U.S. federal government. The State of Alaska owns about 25% and 10% is owned by native people, leaving less than 1% of the land in private hands. Alaska has an estimated 100,000 glaciers, ranging from tiny cirque glaciers to ...
State of the States: ALASKA.State of the States: ALASKA.The article presents information on the educational system in Alaska. It is reported that with a forbidding terrain and a harsh climate that make long-distance education a necessity, Alaska continues to push ahead with technology aimed at ...