For over 50 years the Structural Awards have showcased structural engineering excellence. Engineering changes in response to the needs of a society; but creative design and outstanding structural engineering always endure and are always celebrated at the Awards. Will your project become an icon of the... JA EN
Proposals submitted for this 80,000 m2 site, once occupied by the Tanador shipyards, in Dársena Norte, the north dock of Buenos Aires Port, must be a part of an integral idea about the area where, next to the Competition’s site, the ex-Immigrants hotel, the Navy Dockyard and the ex...
The challenge consists of designing a 100 meter tall tower-hostel that includes relaxation areas and stores offering young people’s fashion wear, and at the same time creates a new landmark in the city of Barcelona.Category Idea Competition / Open to Students / Competition Result Type ...
The award for Students of Architecture wants to encourage and challenge students of architecture to explore the theme of daylight in its widest sense – and to create a deeper understanding of this specific and ever-relevant source of energy and light....
Register by: 30 June 2015 / Submit by: 31 August 2015 (via Online) / Description: TOPIC OF COMPETITION - Transformation, Place, Tradition and Modernism in Conceptual Unity and Diversity
The central and direct goal of the Project is to create a Marine Culture and Pop Music Center that highlights the unique character of Kaohsiung City while satisfying the needs of the local people, the industries and future trends. This is to be achieved by basing its design and planning on ...