Airspy R2 原装 VHF/UHF 高性能 软件定义 接收机 口袋式 便携式 主机+老鹰拉杆天线 品牌名称 琛艺 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择颜色 主机 主机+老鹰拉杆天线 其他型号(2个) 店内搜索 关键字: 价格:到 ...
商标名称 AIRSPY 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 28362647 申请日期 2017-12-27 申请人名称(中文) 苏州赛普睿特仪器有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 江苏省苏州市工业园区金鸡湖大道99号苏州纳米城西北区20幢212室 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期...
对Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR的简短评论 作者:Mario Filippi (N2HUN) 我最近购买了一台AirSpy HF+ Discovery。作为一个拥有超过60年经验的SWL,拥有许多制造商的短波电台,如Drake, Yaesu, Icom, Zenith, Kenwood, Panasonic, Sony, Radio Shack, Grundig, CountyComm, MFJ, Sears, AOR,并且使用过许多不同的SDR,如...
Airspy HF + Discovery 在2018年初,Airspy推出了HF +双端口,很快成为一个成功的基于调谐器的价格低廉的SDR。 现在下一代产品出现了! “Airspy HF + Discovery”。 Airspy的所有者,SDR接收器及其软件开发商Youssef Touil并没有满足原有的成功,而是开发了迭代产品HF + Discovery。为什么在这么短的时间之后又有了新...
Airspy HF+ Make HF Great Again! There is a whole world below 30 MHz. Airspy R2 The Defacto Standard for SDR Scanning All modes, VHF and UHF Airspy Mini VHF/UHF Airspy in a Dongle Format Always keep one in your pocket! SpyVerter R2 HF Module ...
The Airspy HF+ is ultimate solution toMake HF Great Again! In 2019, theAirspy HF+ Dual Port won thePrestigious WRTH Awardin front of a fierce competition of highly refined communication receivers and other SDRs. We have been able to improve over the performance of the original Airspy HF+ by...
AirSpy Firmware Python15449 spyverter_r2spyverter_r2Public C75 Repositories airspyone_hostPublic AirSpy's usemode driver and associated tools C2488802UpdatedFeb 29, 2024 airspyhfPublic Code repository for AirspyHF+ airspy/airspyhf’s past year of commit activity ...
Airspy is holding their annual Black Friday sale, this year offering 20% off their range of products. The sale is active at all participating resellers, which includes our own store where we have the YouLoop on sale for US$31.96 including free shipping to most countries in the world, instead...
AIS receiver for RTL SDR dongles, Airspy R2, Airspy Mini, Airspy HF+, HackRF, SDRplay and SoapySDR windowsmacoslinuxraspberrypizeromqreceiversdrrtl-sdrhackrfaprsgnuradioais-receivernmeaaisairspysdrplaysoapysdrnmea2000airspyhfspyserver UpdatedOct 28, 2024 ...
接收机AIRSPY软件无线电SDR12bit接收性能RTL-SDRHackRF开发板 AIRSPY软件无线电接收机SDR接收机12bit接收性能超RTL-SDR/HackRF 距结束26:26:13:17 ¥999 折后¥989 满500减10 发货地: 上海 包邮 风格: 接收机 AIRSPY 软件 无线电 SDR 12bit 接收 性能 RTL-SDR HackRF 图文详情 本店推荐 图文详情...