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Becoming a pilot in the Canadian Air Force is quite challenging and potentially dangerous, but relatively inexpensive. The Air Force provides all necessary training and subsidizes your education. To apply, you need only be a Canadian citizen over 16 year
Small airports are fascinating organizations. From a research perspective they’re marvelous subjects for all sorts of analyses, and it’s odd that nobody’s looking at them. Maybe we can crack that code, and free up some of that $35 billion in lost economic impact and really make a diffe...
(0.002") Cut Cast vinyl used on the aircraft, but applied to a 1/16" thick 12" x 18" aluminium panel with 5/8" radiused corners. These pieces are made-to-order and feature those elements found on the aircraft's tail such as the serial number, flag and quite often a unit emblem....
Thermally degraded engine oil and hydraulic fluid fumes contaminating aircraft cabin air conditioning systems have been well documented since the 1950s. Whilst organophosphates have been the main subject of interest, oil and hydraulic fumes in the air su
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10k Accesses 111 Citations 16 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Acoustic manipulation by an ultrasonic phased array provides an entirely new approach to processes such as coalescence, mixing, separation, and evaporation occurring in the generation of new materials, physical property measurement, the ...