retail and business banking services in two distinct markets, such as a sector-led corporate bank and a full-service retail bank. The Climate Capital specializes in lending to large scale renewable energy and infrastructure projects. The Group segment comprises wholesale treasury activities and Group ...
EGYPT: The Central Bank of Egypt has given approval to the Sovereign Fund of Egypt and EFG Hermes Holding to conduct due diligence on Arab Investment Bank (AIB) with the aim of acquiring 76% of the bank’s capital. According to an official statement, the
Bank of Ireland and merged AIB-EBS to form pillars of Irish banking sectorSIMON CARSWELL
' said the investor who asked not to be named. 'I never had any dealings with AIB and assumed the bank's lending criteria was being met.' Of the total 38 investors who pooled their leases to form the Carr Mills Partnership, just two organised their own mortgage to buy the flats which...