26/F, Chubb Tower, Windsor House, Causeway Bay Private office From $1,311pp/m 535 Jaffe Road, Hong Kong Hot desking space From $437pp/m Dedicated desk From $437pp/m Private office From $437pp/m Compass Offices, Lee Garden Two
AIA Tower (formerly AIG Tower) ClientAig Global Investment Group ExpertiseCommercial LocationHong Kong, China Collaborators More Projects Project Jiangxi Nanchang Greenland Central Plaza, Parcel A Nanchang, Jiangxi, China Project Zhengzhou Greenland Plaza...
无论是面对何种压力和挑战,我们都彼此鼓励,做彼此的后盾。无论是在AIA TOWER里激烈的思想碰撞,还是下班后维多利亚港、尖沙咀、铜锣湾我们留下的欢声笑语,都成为了我们这个团队不可泯灭的珍贵宝藏。下面让我来介绍一下,这支进无止...
Located in the heart of the central business district, The Executive Centre at AIA Tower is surrounded by other prestigious buildings, government institutions and financial headquarters. Our centre is situated on Level 20, and enjoys enchanting views of Nam Van Lake, Macau Tower and the city’s ...
北角友邦廣場是港島東區著名商業地標,匯聚創意、媒體和金融諮詢服務人才和專業人士。從港鐵炮台山站(A出口)步行三分鐘,即可抵達位於電氣道183號的友邦廣場。 頂樓工作空間 我們的靈活服務式辦公室位於北角友邦廣場頂樓,坐擁維港景致和山景。我們的辦公空間適合1至50人以上的企業,提供設備齊全、兼顧隱私和安全的服務式...
Public Transit to 友邦九龍大樓 Aia Tower Kowloon in 觀塘 Kwun Tong Wondering how to get to 友邦九龍大樓 Aia Tower Kowloon in 觀塘 Kwun Tong, Hong Kong? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to 友邦九龍大樓 Aia Tower Kowloon with step-by-step directions from the nearest p...
AIA Tower is in close proximity to the Macau-Taipa Bridge and is right in the center of the web of government institutes and world-class hotel facilities, including the Macau government headquarters, the Consulate General of Portugal in Macau and Hong Kong and Hotel Lisboa. AIA Tower features ...
与我们商讨您理想的工作空间 (*必须填写) *查询的服务: 服务式办公室企业方案会议室虚拟办公室技术服务商业服务 *选择城市: 香港 墨尔本 悉尼 新加坡 马尼拉 吉隆坡 东京 大阪 胡志明市 留言: 提交 点击“提交”即阁下表示同意我们的条款和私隐声明。
注册地址: 1/F, AIA HONG KONG TOWER, 734 KING'S ROAD, QUARRY BAY HONG KONG 统一社会信用代码:- 展开> 最新注册公司 热搜词推荐 热门搜索词 1湖南宏宇工程检测有限公司益阳分公司2长沙趣游园信息技术服务有限公司3长沙市心恒达科技有限公司4长沙迷应网络科技有限公司5长沙晟轩元电子科技有限公司6湖南壹猫品牌...
Unit 1508, 15/F, AIA Hong Kong Tower, 734 King’s Road, Quarry Bay https://aia.com.hk 招聘資料 此招聘已經結束,按此搜尋相關職位。 2023暑期實習計劃 歡迎所有大專生‼️ 完成計劃可獲得$3000獎學金❗️仲唔快啲報名參加⁉️