步驟2: 點選音訊與視訊,選擇AI Noise Canceling Microphone。 Discord 步驟1: 點選設定。 步驟2: 點選語音&視訊,在輸入裝置中選擇AI Noise Canceling Microphone。 FAQ Q1: 如何確認我使用的主機板是否有支援AI Noise-Canceling Microphone? A1: 請到華碩官網,搜尋您使用的主機板後,點選產品規格,在軟體功能下確認...
AI Noise-Canceling=AI 降噪软件=AI 降噪麦克风 软件版1. 省钱 2. 增援性广(USB / TypeC / 3.5mm..等) 3. 设定步骤较多要微调(音量..等)4. 系统负载会微微增加一点点04:13开始有直接AI Noise-Canceling ON/OFF效果 a.比较明显差异: ON没有键盘声, OFF有键盘声 b.比较不明显
4. Open the software. 5. Connect Microphone, AI Noise-canceling mic adapter and USB-C to USB 2.0 adapter to your PC. 6. Select your current microphone position. 7. Select noise reduction level. 8. The setting will be saved in ASUS AI Noise-Canceling Mic Adapter and you can use this ...
Q1: 华硕AI降噪麦克风外接式声卡(ASUS AI Noise-Canceling Mic Adapter)有包含麦克风吗? A1: 没有,华硕AI降噪麦克风外接式声卡为一个USB-C转3.5mm的转接头,并具备AI降噪技术。 Q2: 华硕AI降噪麦克风外接式声卡兼容所有的手机跟游戏平台吗?Is ASUS AI Noise-Canceling Mic Adapter compatible with all smart pho...
求一下ai降噪麦克风..新版1.0.1.9的ai noise-canceling microphone驱动 奥创识别不出来导致无法开启ai降噪功能特此求个旧版驱动 谢谢dd华硕双向ai麦克风降噪v1.0.2.3驱动链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_LkmQLlittRpTe2Xefxi-w 提取码:m79w 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机A
售後服務商品皆享7天鑑賞期、筆電保證回購 華碩聯合科技(股)公司為本商城營業人(統編:70353815) 保固服務此商品內含二年保固服務 AI Noise-Canceling Mic Adapter ASUS Store 迎春好禮 ☛ 點擊看活動詳情 2/1-2/28 「LINE購物」下單,贈送點數紅包 ☛ 點擊看活動詳情 ...
分享5赞 华硕吧 三Tri 求一下ai降噪麦克风的旧版驱动新版1.0.1.9的ai noise-canceling microphone驱动 奥创识别不出来导致无法开启ai降噪功能 特此求个旧版驱动 谢谢 分享466 amd吧 三Tri 求一下华硕ai降噪的旧版驱动新版的1.0.1.9 奥创识别不了 开启不了ai降噪 来求下旧版本的驱动 谢谢 分享回复1 摄影吧 dong...
Discover the cutting-edge ASUS AI Noise Canceling Technology that elevates your digital communication with crystal-clear audio. First launched with the ROG gaming headset, this tech is now integrated into ASUS laptops, perfect for work-from-home environm
New technology eliminates background noise for clear voice communication with ASUS AI Noise-Canceling Mic Adapter, ROG Strix Go, ROG Theta 7.1 headsets and more. ASUS today announced new AI Noise-Canceling Microphone (AI Mic) technology that intelligently eliminates unwanted background noise for ...
ai noise canceling Home Forums Plugins Resources Log inRegister Search Latest activity Register Home Tags O Sound input distorted thru windows11 and RCA to USB video capture First time in the forum and with OBS. I apologuize in advance if some of the following is too obvious. I set up ...