AI进化社——最有影响力的AI社群。专注于AI与前沿科技应用,加入我们,成为先懂AI的少数人。 GPT 国内版 了解更多 最有影响力的AI社群 AI进化社(AIEC)是国内最专业、影响力最大的AI社群。社群总人数10万+,科普视频全网播放1亿+。这里有领先行业的最全AI资讯、工具教程和赚钱案例。可能是目前AI行业最有价值的圈...
设计人工智能实验室(Design A.I. Lab)由同济大学设计创意学院和特赞信息科技联合发起成立,致力于数据、计算、网络和人工智能与设计学的交叉学科应用研究,通过博士生和硕士生的教学,培养新一代设计创意人才,并与成熟和初创的科技企业合作,实现产、学、研、创的转化。实验室致力于将:设计接入数字经济,设计变为数据资源...
非一般的智能决策 飞一般的增长步伐 20个行业数百家头部企业 正在用杉数科技优化算法引擎驱动数字化升级 了解详情 杉数求解器COPT 7.2正式发布 新增指数锥规划求解器和高性能矩阵建模工具 了解详情 杉数概况 Who 杰出团队 Team 杉数年轮 Story 让每一个企业拥有定制优化决策的能力 ...
ARTEFACTS 用AI 创建你的第一个 3D 模型 一键制作 全彩3D打印文件 3D游戏素材 超清渲染图 卡通人物 宠物小精灵 轻松创建3D模型的方法 用AI 即刻将创意转化为可用的 3D 模型 步骤1 构思创意 选择文生图或图生图工具,快速绘制你的设计图或直接选择社区素材做同款!
H2O.aiDocumentation H2O AI Cloud A complete AI platform to make and operationalize AI/ML apps and models in the Cloud Integration of the following and other components: -H2O AI Engine Manager -H2O App Store -H2O Orchestrator -H2O AutoInsights ...
Oddity is developing the future of safety by detecting high impact crimes on live video footage. Our algorithms seamlessly integrates with existing software in security centers and is trusted by municipalities, law enforcement and private security compan
Empowering your business to optimise Service, Cost and Cash.Scroll down to read more… Modern Supply Chains are being stretched to the limit. Rising Expectations 90% demand 2-3 day delivery* 33% expect same-day delivery* Operational Strains Global disruptions and rising costs Increased working ...
Delivering AI-powered investigations and enterprise-grade compliance to combat fraud, scams, and financial crime across the globe. We bring unmatched expertise in DeFi investigations, smart contract intelligence, and drive AML compliance at scale.
Explore solution 18.6 M MONTHLY ACTIVE USERS served 97% INCREASE IN agent PRODUCTIVITY 750 M PROCESSED CONVERSATIONS 30% overall COST SAVED PER YEAR Kata Platform Unlock the power of personalized customer experiences on a massive scale with our comprehensive solution. ...
AI Network is a decentralized AI development ecosystem open to all by gathering developers, GPUs, resources for development, and creator-based data in one place. It represents the future of ‘collaborative AI’ to realize AI for everyone. ...