hearing lossracegenderspeech understandingHearing ability declines in the same manner for all people as they age. At least, that is what most people believe. This article examines the roles race and gender play in aging and declining hearing ability among African Americans and Euro‐Americans....
Older adults with hearing loss often must work harder to understand speech compared to younger, normal-hearing individuals. Degraded auditory signals, sensorineural hearing loss, and age-related central nervous system declines can make listening in noise
Define hearing loss of aging. hearing loss of aging synonyms, hearing loss of aging pronunciation, hearing loss of aging translation, English dictionary definition of hearing loss of aging. managerial; directive Not to be confused with: conducive – cont
原始出处: Xu W, Zhang C, Li JQ et al. Age-related hearing loss accelerates cerebrospinal fluid tau levels and brain atrophy: a longitudinal study. Aging (Albany NY). 22 May 2019
Older adults with hearing loss often must work harder to understand speech compared to younger, normal-hearing individuals. Degraded auditory signals, sensorineural hearing loss, and age-related central nervous system declines can make listening in noise particularly effortful with increasing age. Neuroima...
Hearing ImpairmentsIncidenceInstitutionalized PersonsMental RetardationMultiple DisabilitiesOlder AdultsA survey was undertaken of the residents of a long-stay hospital for the mentally handicapped persons, in order to determine the prevalence of hearing loss and its relationship to age. It was found that ...
noises every day, constant exposure can weaken our hearing over time. That means aging and hearing loss go hand-in-hand when it comes towork-related hearing loss. The more time you spend in a workplace with potentially dangerous noise levels, the greater your chances of hearing loss as you...
Advanced age is the most common cause of hearing impairment, as up to one third of thesenior populationsuffers from some level of hearing loss. This form of hearing reduction is called sensorineural hearing loss, and it’s caused by a slow, progressive damage to the sensitive hair cells insid...
noise on the perception of nonsense syllables by four groups of subjects: younger (less than or equal to 35 years of age) and older (greater than 60 years of age) listeners with mild-to-moderate sensorineural loss; younger, normal-individuals; and older adults with minimal peripheral loss. ...
2023年7月3日,美国加州大学欧文分校的研究人员在 Aging Cell 期刊发表了题为:Long-term NAD+ supplementation prevents the progression of age-related hearing loss in mice 的研究论文。 该研究证明了烟酰胺核苷(NR)治疗年龄相关听力损失(ARHL)的潜力,并对其作用机制提供了新的见解。