行动(Action)是指基于环境和规划做出的动作。 其中,Policy是Agent做出Action的核心决策,而行动又通过观察(Observation)成为进一步Perception的前提和基础,形成自主地闭环学习过程。 工程实现上可以拆分出四大块核心模块:推理、记忆、工具、行动 ▐决策模型 目前Agent主流的决策模型是ReAct框架,也有一些ReAct的变种框架,以下...
2.Agent 的 Action 能力强烈依赖于基座模型的function calling 能力,即理解任务并依据 API 描述将自然语言的任务转换为 API request 的能力。比如我们用同样的代码,使用 openAI 和llama 就会出现完全不一样的结果。所以,在规划 Agent 之前,对模型的 function calling 能力要充分调研。幸好在 10 天前加州伯克利大学新...
Agent Liability An agent is often liable to their principal if they violate their duty or deviate from a reasonable, expected action performed on behalf of the other party. This may be the result of exceeding the authority they've been given, acting in misconduct, being unreasonably negligent, ...
来自网上(侵删) 恰好Vision Agent 内部就实现了这几个核心环节:智能体(LLM)、记忆(work memory)、工具(tool)、行动(action)、规划(plan)。 智能体 这个项目是一个多智能体协作的项目,角色如下: planner(规划师) 功能:根据用户的请求,拆分多个可以顺序执行的任务 coder(程序员) 功能:根据规划师的任务,编写可执...
AgentPendingAction Attributes SerializableAttribute Examples The following example shows how to display a list of pending tasks for all servers in a Management Group. In this example,mgis aManagementGroupinstance. Remarks You can get a list of all pending tasks in a Management Group usingGetAgentPen...
Changes to the control action(uk−1−uk−2) The agent is rewarded while the system constraints are satisfied (that isFk=1). Set the random seed for reproducibility. rng(0) Create the input and output specifications for the agent. Set the action upper and lower limits to constrain...
To remedy the agent-principal problem, the principal must take action to create an environment or incentives that would motivate the agent to work in the best interest of the principal. When engaging any representative on your behalf, it's important to be aware of the principal-agent problem ...
行动(Action) 确定了思考的方向后,接下来就是行动的时刻。根据我们的思考,采取相应的措施或执行特定的任务,以期望推动问题向解决的方向发展。观察(Observation) 行动之后,我们必须仔细观察结果。这一步是检验我们的行动是否有效,是否接近了问题的答案。 循环迭代以上流程,如下图所示。
agent=ReAct(action_executor=ActionExecutor(actions=[tool.to_lagent()]),...) 我们通过统一的接口,使 AgentLego 中的所有工具,可以一步适配各种支持的智能体系统。如果你想要实现自定义工具,又想尝试各种智能体系统,就可以利用 AgentLego,一次实现,处处可用。
a person responsible for a particular action: Who was the agent of this deed? Grammar.a form or construction, usually a noun or noun phrase, denoting an animate being that performs or causes the action expressed by the verb, asthe policeinThe car was found by the police. ...