网络月经初潮年龄 网络释义 1. 月经初潮年龄 临床英语 - 人人小站 ... condom use and problem 避孕套的使用和问题age at menarche月经初潮年龄regularity 月经规律 ...|基于4个网页 例句 释义: 全部,月经初潮年龄
6) menarche [英][mə'nɑ:ki:] [美][mə'nɑrki] 初经,月经初潮补充资料:月经初潮 月经初潮 即指女孩于青春期的第1次月经来潮。是青春期开始的一个重要标志。也是女性性发育的一个重要指标。但此时卵巢尚未完全发育成熟,功能还不稳定,没有规律的排卵。卵巢在月经初潮后功能尚不健全,大多数女孩在...
Using the UK Biobank data, after removing instruments associated with childhood BMI that were likely exerting pleiotropy, fixed-effect meta-analysis across instruments demonstrated that a 1 year increase in age at menarche reduces adult BMI by 0.38 kg/m2 (95% CI 0.25–0.51 kg/m2). ...
Over the past 25 years, age at menarche declined from 13.41 to 12.47 years, an average decrease of 4.5 months per decade. In western Europe, this decrease has been approximately 3-4 months per decade from 1830 to 1980.1 Anderson et al17, 18 found that the average age at menarche in US...
ascomparedtocommonfolk.1Yetalmostnothingnumericalisknownaboutageatsexualmaturityforanysocietybeforethetwentiethcentury,andwhatfragmentsofinformationwehave mostlyconcernonlyoneoftheconspicuousdevelopmentswhichoccuratthistimetooneofthesexes.Thisismenarche,theonsetofmenstruationorofthe"flowers,"asourancestorsmoreelegantly...
AGE AT MENARCHE IN ANKARA 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 作者: Y Bektas 摘要: Age at Menarche in Ankara, Turkey Anthropologiai Kzlemények 49 (2008), 51–59. Yener Bekta Ankara University, Department of Anthropology, Ankara, Turkey Abstract: Age at menarche is the most important...
Age at natural menopause in a population-based screening cohort: the role of menarche, fecundity, and lifestyle factors To verify whether a population-based hypothesis (age at menarche and age at natural menopause have an inverse relationship) also applies at the level of th... PAV Noord,JS ...
Non-Hispanic black females had the largest decline in mean age at menarche from 13.6 years (95% CI: 13.1–14.1) in women born prior to 1920, to 12.2 years (95% CI: 11.8–12.6) in the 1980–84 birth cohort. Mean age at menarche among non-Hispanic white females declined from 13.3 ...
Age at menarche and its relationship to body mass index among adolescent girls in Kuwait Despite the increasing rates of childhood obesity and rapid change in socio-economic status, the mean age at menarche remains mostly unknown among contempo... N Al-Awadhi,N Al-Kandari,T Al-Hasan,... -...
Objectives: Later menarche, and a longer time until onset of regular cycling, are considered markers of lower lifetime exposure to circulating ovarian hormones. While later age at menarche is associated with reduced breast cancer risk, evidence for the relationship between time until onset of regular...