Cells.Find(What:="1", After:=ActiveCell).Activate 这句的意思是查找包含1的单元格,并跳转到此单元格
Cells.Find(What:="abc", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False , MatchByte:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
在Excel的VBA代码中,ActiveCell.offset(-1,0).Select的作用是 A、活动单元格下移一行 B、活动单元格上移一行 C、活动单元格左移一行 D、活动单元格右移一行 点击查看答案 第6题 在Excel的VBA代码中,Range("A1:C3").Name = "vba"的作用为___。 A、在单元格A1中写入"vba" B、在单元格C3中写入"vba"...
Please try the following adjusted VBA code: Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()On Error Resume Next ' Storetheaddressoftheactive cellbeforedeactivatingtheworksheet ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value=ActiveCell.Address On Error GoTo0End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate...
ActiveCell.Offset(n + k, 0).Select Next End Sub Select the whole data set, minus theColumn Headers. Run thisMacro. AnInputBoxappears. Enter the value ofn (3). ClickOK. AnotherInputBoxappears asking for the number of blank rows(2). ...
CTRL+END always goes to the lower-right corner of the used range. If this not where your data ends then delete the extra row/columns and save the workbook. On Error Resume Next ' Storeaddressactive celldeactivatingworksheet ActiveWorkbook.Sheets"Sheet1").Range("A1...
//dimogroup.sharepoint.com/teams/PickMyLoadCostCalculator/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={4d0d4740-bb58-464f-9a17-d34af1e7ed66}&action=embedview&wdAllowInteractivity=False&AllowTyping=True&ActiveCell='CAL'!S14&Item=i_pml&wdInConfigurator=True&wdInConfigurator=True"> CatchDistance.j...
node ); // Change the active cell to the original cell this.notebook.content.activeCellIndex = cellIndex; // Run the active cell NotebookActions.run( this.notebook.content, this.notebook.context.sessionContext ); };Now we run cell B; it would trigger cell A to run as well....
("Enter the Value of r: ")) k = Int(InputBox("Enter the Number of Blank Rows: ")) Set rg = Selection CtRow = rg.EntireRow.Count For p = 1 To Int(CtRow / r) For j = 0 To k - 1 ActiveCell.Offset(r + j, 0).EntireRow.Insert Next j ActiveCell.Offset(r + k, 0)....
aactivecell.select activecell.select[translate] a现在好冷哦,别感冒哦 Now good cold oh, do not catch cold oh[translate] aYes ,I can arrange this tel Conference in our meeting room and collect the outstanding documents as listed. 是,我在我们的会议室可以安排这次电话会议和收集卓著的文件如被列出...