Despite a 3:1 loss to Australia in the last game of qualifiers, China U-17 win a berth in the 2023 AFC U17 Asian Cup as one of the best second-placed teams. It's the 2nd qualifying of China youth teams within a month: last month China U-20 qualify for the 2023 AFC U-20 Asian...
India have qualified for the main draw of the AFC U-17 Asian Cup, previously known as the U-16 Asian Cup, eight times till date, including the last two editions in 2016 and 2018. Coached by Bibiano Fernandes, the Indian Under-17 team will be hoping to make its thi...
The upcoming edition of the AFC U-17 Asian Cup will be the 20th edition of the tournament. The 2023 AFC U-17 Asian Cup was earlier set to be conducted in Bahrain in May next year but after they pulled out as hosts, the AFC is yet to finalise a new venue. Teams qualified f...
10MA TOPICS! [JAPAN FA]【Match Report】U-17 Japan National Team advance to quarterfinals with 8-4 victory over India - AFC U17 Asian Cup™ Thailand 2023
(二)本公告通过张贴、网络向社会发布,公告期为2023年7月1日至2023年7月30日,公告期为候选人随机抽选、申请和推荐报名期限。 (三)申请、推荐报名需提交如下材料: 1、《人民陪审员申请表》或《人民陪审员推荐表》一式两份(表格可网络下载或到辖区司法所领取); ...
, 重阳节来临之际 , 我 院 举行了 2023 年重阳节 茶话会. 医院党委书记黄波,副书记刘一等领导班子和医院退休职工近200人欢聚一堂, 共叙情谊 , 共话重阳. 茶话会由副院长廖鸥飞主持. 当日, 医院领导早早来到会场,与老同志们纷纷握手,并与老同志们促膝谈心...
2023年9月5日,计算机学院在博二C302召开2023级本科新生防诈宣讲会。本次会议由校保卫处杨五勤老师主持,2023级全体学生参会。 会上,杨老师为同学们普及了“网络贷款诈骗”、“冒充老师干部诈骗”、“刷单兼职诈骗”等七种常见的诈骗手段,告诫同学们在...
近日,浙江省市场监督管理局发布《关于2023年度质量基础设施一站式服务平台工作评价情况的通报》,从建设水平、管理能力、服务质效、有感服务等4方面对全省 176 个质量基础设施一站式服务平台进行评价,我县绿色家居、地理信息、钢琴三个质量基...