天气寒冷,汽车也特别需要保养,除了清理积雪,还需要选用合适的机油,添加防冻剂,避免长期不当运行造成发动机故障。推荐一款来自德国专业的汽车零部件和保养品生产商 Mannol 的 AF12+ 即用型冷却液,专为液冷式内燃机而设计。它的冰点为-40℃,可以防止腐蚀,沉积和起泡,且不会侵蚀密封件、金属元件和软管。常年使用可确保...
壳牌W100活塞发动机油,Shell w100航空活塞发动机油J-1899SAEGrad ¥ 632.00 嘉实多Castrol Aircol PD 100工业油品 代理商 MSDS 合格证 ¥ 1680.00 福斯FUCHS TUF DRAW 1919HW -2 金属加工液水溶性切削液 ¥ 520.00 美孚防冻液-35 Mobil Permazone 50/50 45/55 Antifreeze Coolant ¥ 120.00 福斯...
●co-“共同”coworker cooperate coexist ●anti-“反对,抵抗”antiwar antifreeze antinuclear ●multi-“多”multistory multicultural multicolor ●bi-“双,二”bicycle bilingual bilateral ●micro-“极小的,微小的”microwave microcomputer ●over-“太多,...
比如:antibacterial(抗菌的)、antifreeze(防冻剂)、antiwar(反战)等。 6. mis-:表示错误、误解或错误地。比如:misunderstand(误解)、misinform(错误地通知)、mislead(误导)等。 7. il- / im- / ir- :表示否定或相反。比如:illegal (非法的),impossible (不可能的),irrelevant (无关紧要的)等。 以上是常见...
高中英语词根词缀--前缀 a- ab- aero-aster- anti- auto- 前缀aaeroanti- abasterauto- a-:1.处于...状态 awakeasleepalonealike astirashamedaccustomedashore alikeLikefather,likeson.adj.相像的;相似的MysisterandIdonotlookalike.adv.相似地;同样地treateveryboayalikeGoodmanagementbenifitsemployersandemployees...
Circulating antifreeze / coolant of re-corrosion prevention methods and re-corrosion inhibitorPURPOSE: To provide a recorrosion prevention method for a used anti-freeze/ coolant circulated from the cooling mechanism of an internal combustion engine and a recorrosion preventive agent package....
2.打开汽车前盖,并找到标有”COOLANT”或”ANTIFREEZE”的标识的加注口。 3.慢慢打开加注口盖,小心不要让任何杂质进入其中。 4.使用预先准备好的容器或倒口,将适量的防冻液倒入加注口中。请参考汽车制造商的建议,确保加注正确的量。 5.注意不要溢出,以免造成浪费或污染环境。 6.关闭加注口盖,并确保密封良好...
This substance acts as an antifreeze, preventing their bodies from freezing in the cold temperatures. The ants huddle together in their nests to stay warm and conserve energy. Andy wasfascinated by the owl's explanation. He thanked the wise old owl and returned to his colony to share the ...
antifreeze admixture防冻附加剂 antinoise paint消声涂料 antioxidant抗氧化剂 antireflective coating抗反射涂层 antirusting agent防锈剂 antirusting paint防锈油漆 antisag agent抗垂剂 antiseepage cofferdam防渗围堰 antiseismic construction抗震构造 antiseptic防腐剂 antiseptic paper防腐纸 antislip paint防滑漆 antisymmetri...
防冻附加剂:antifreeze admixture 混凝土:C40 concrete: class:40 细石混凝土:fine aggregate concrete 配合比:mixture ratio 抗渗等级:P8 seepage class::P8 抗压强度:compression strength 混凝土保护层厚度:minimum concrete cover 砂:sand 卵石:pebble 碎石:crushed stone 砾石:gravel 骨料:aggregate 水泥:cement 普通硅...