Fig. 10 shows for all four models the optical properties for 550-nm AOD of 0.2: normalized extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter as functions of wavelength, and the phase function at 550 nm as a function of scattering angle. The wavelength dependence of normali...
2.3 MODIS 和 MISR 与 AERONETAOD 观测的 比较 图 1 和 2 分别给出了 MODIS 和 MISR 在 550 nm 通道观测的气溶胶光学厚度与 AERONET 观测数据 匹配后进行线性回归分析的结果. 图 1 中可以看出, 除了兴隆站, MODIS 在其他 3 个站的观测值基本上都 1672 图 1 MODIS 气溶胶光学厚度与 AERONET 观测对比 ...
Ground-based V3L2 observations from AERONET are used to gauge the accuracy of AOD550 products from both CAMS and MERRA-2. The “ground-truth” AOD550 is normally calculated from Eq. (2). In cases observations of one of the four main channels (440, 500, 675, and 870 nm) are not ...
春季最主要的气溶胶类型,香河春季受沙尘的影响也较严重,而太湖受沙尘影响的频率较香河要小的多;香河和太湖AOD最大值出现月份与细 模态粒子体积浓度最大值出现月份一致,是由于细模态粒子的消光效率是粗模态粒子的3~4倍.细模态体积L~(vf/vt)的年变化趋势与AngstrSm ...
通过对比2006~2009年,搭载在Terra卫星上的中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)和多角度成像光谱仪(MISR)传感器与我国北方4个地面AERONET站点观测的气溶胶光学厚度AOD(aerosol optical depth),发现在SACOL站和北京站,MISR反演的气溶胶光学厚度优于MODIS;在香河站和兴隆站,MODIS反演的气溶胶光学厚度优于MISR.总体上,MISR反演的Ang...
This study validated MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, USA, Aqua and Terra Collection 6.1, and MERRA-2 (Modern-ERA Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application) Version 2 of aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nm against AERONE...
MISR 的550 nm AOD 季节平均分布情况. 从图中可 图6 可以看出, MISR 观测的气溶胶光学厚度的 以看出, MODIS 在胡焕庸线[38] 以北广大区域四季都 高值区分布与 MODIS 基本一样, 且随四季变化也不 不能有效反演气溶胶光学厚度, 而MISR 在这些区域 明显. 从量值大小上看有明显的季节变化, 塔里木盆 都...
Compared to the ground-based AOD distribution (Figure 3, right column), GC was unable to capture the AERONET aerosol variability, especially for western-polluted regions such as Fresno. Figure 3 Open in figure viewerPowerPoint Distributions of seasonal average AOD at 550 nm from 2008 to ...
In this paper, a physically based model is developed to estimate the concentration of PM2.5, in which, fine mode aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 440, 550, and 675 nm, Effective Radius of the Fine particles, ground-based fine particulate matter (PM2.5) data, relative humidity, and boundary...
In this paper, a physically based model is developed to estimate the concentration of PMn2.5n, in which, fine mode aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 440, 550, and 675 nm, Effective Radius of the Fine particles, ground-based fine particulate matter (PMn2.5n) data, relative humidity, and ...