adultmonkeys 长成的猴子 牛津词典 When my parents split up, it was all veryadultand open. 我父母离异时,事情处理得很成熟、很开放。 牛津词典 anadultmovie 仅供成人观看的电影 牛津词典 ...a pair ofadultbirds. 一对成年鸟 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...
adulted; adulting; adults intransitive verb 1 informal : to behave like an adult : to attend to the ordinary tasks required of a responsible adult Do we really have to adult today? Lauren Merola Stop complaining that you have to adult today. Being an adult is awesome. Suzanne Lucas ...
adult life•Beingoverweight, when young or in youradult life. 3.•Feargal'scensure, Phena's bitterness - ahellof aburdento carry all youradult life.•Marriage, though not thesocialimperativeit once was, still stands for amajorriteofpassageintoadult life.•Louis,Rayhas spent most of ...
oradultguardian.•In hisadultlife all thesepainfulthoughtshad beenburiedbut still caused a great deal of unhappiness.•Adultmagazines inshopsmust be kept where children cannot see them.•It was thought that theskullwas too small and light tobelongto anadultmale.•Over 30% of theadult...
adult (ə-dŭlt′, ăd′ŭlt) n. 1.One who has attained maturity or legal age. 2.BiologyA fully grown, mature organism. adj. 1.Fully developed and mature. 2.Relating to, intended for, or befitting adults:adult education.
ADULT, in the civil law. An infant who, if a boy, has attained his full age of fourteen years, and if a girl, her full age of twelve. Domat, Liv. Prel. t. 2, s. 2, n. 8. In the common law an adult is considered one of full age. 1 Swanst. R. 553. ...
(redirected from Advanced adult)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia. old′ age′ n. the last period of human life, now often considered to be the years after 65. [1300–50] old′-age′, adj. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictio...
Complex is the leading source for the latest adult stories. Find the latest news, features, interviews, op-eds, videos, and more.
because we are talking about adult centres; we do not want people below 16 to enter adult centres. 政務司(譯文):副主席先生,應該是「以㆖」,因為我們所談的是成㆟遊 戲 機㆗ 心的 問題;我們不希望 16 歲以㆘㆟士進入成㆟遊戲機㆗心。 [...] different...