I am trying to open a form on the sac county court website, but I am unable to. I have confirmed that I have the latest version of Reader. It gives me an error. It says "a font package is required to correctly display this page". And continues on and asks me to click OK. ...
Yes, that is the font pack have to install. There is likely a chance a font is used which has Asian characters in it and Reader doesn't have those fonts by default available. And those are not usually required unless you open such a file. -Tariq...
问题描述:缺少font package afontpackageisrequiredtocorrectlydisplay this page.click oktodirect your browsertodownload the add-on from adobe... 解决方案: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=10&platform=Windows 下载Adobe Reader 11.0.09 Font Packs - Asian and Extended Language...
问题描述:缺少font package afontpackageisrequiredtocorrectlydisplay this page.click oktodirect your browsertodownload the add-on from adobe... 解决方案: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=10&platform=Windows 下载Adobe Reader 11.0.09 Font Packs - Asian and Extended Language...
例如,您無法啟動Adobe Reader來請求產生PDF檔案的URL。 請求檔案型別(例如PDF和Microsoft®Word檔案)會傳回一個URL結果。 使用者端有責任顯示URL的內容。 Document Management服務可協助產生URL和內容型別資訊。 對XML檔案的請求會傳回結果中的完整XML...
本節提供已從具 Experience Manager 之 Experience Manager as a Cloud Service 中移除的功能。 區域功能替代方案目標移除日期 使用者介面 傳統UI 已從產品使用者介面中移除。一些傳統 UI 對話框可用於一些選定的功能,例如連結檢查器、版本清除和一些 Cloud Service 設定。即將推出的產品更新可能會進一步移除傳統 UI ...
These PDF files can be opened in Acrobat 10x and Acrobat Reader 10x and later. Note: Before creating a PDF file to send to a commercial printer or print service provider, find out what output resolution and other settings are required. Or, ask for a .joboptions file with the recommended ...
These PDF files can be opened in Acrobat 10x and Acrobat Reader 10x and later. Note: Before creating a PDF file to send to a commercial printer or print service provider, find out what output resolution and other settings are required. Or, ask for a .joboptions file with the recommended ...
例如,您无法启动Adobe Reader以请求生成PDF文件的URL。 对文档类型(如PDF和Microsoft®Word文档)的请求将返回一个结果,即URL。 客户有责任显示URL的内容。 文档管理服务可帮助生成URL和内容类型信息。 对XML文档的请求在结果中返回完整的XML文档。 将文档作为输入参数传递 ...
While modern Apple machines come preinstalled with the excellent Apple Preview - a tool we felt “should be able to cater to all but the most demanding PDF road warriors” - it’s more of a PDF reader and manipulator, rather than a full PDF editor, like Acrobat. PDF Expert is much mo...