Participles are exclusively modifiers (i.e., Adjectives and Adverbs), and examples are: running water (note: “running is Present Participle) and broker glass (note: “broken” is Past Participle). ·Infinitive Infinitives can function both as Modifiers (i.e., Adjectives and Adverbs) and Nouns...
Notice that she started this sentence with the pronoun "It." When we use "it" in this way, the pronoun is not the true subject of the sentence. The true subject is the infinitive verb, but we do not speak this way...
1 论英语中的“Adjective + Infinitive”结构 谭卫国 摘 要 英语中包含“Adjective + Infinitive”结构的句子俯拾即是 数不胜数 形成一种非常普遍的语言现象。该结构在不同类型的句子中具有截然不同的意义 虽然其表层结构极为相似。本文将含有该结构的句子根据其意义分为八类 结合丰富多彩的实例 详细而全面地探讨...
It is important to support the Special Olympics World Games.It isadjectiveto-infinitiveIt isfantasticto work as avolunteer.improtantto support the Special Olympics World Games.We use It is + adjective + to-infinitive to express what we think about something.该句型中的形容词表示不定式所具备的...
Explain:It is adjective to-infinitiveIt is fantastic to work as avolunteer. improtantto support the Special Olympics World Games.We use It is + adjective + to-infinitive to express what we think about something.该句型中的形容词表示不定式所具备的特征或客观情况。如:cheap, convenient, dangerous,...
Some examples are: Prepositional phrase: proud of her accomplishments Infinitive verb: eager to learn Noun phrase: full of excitement Notice that modifiers and complements can be combined in a single adjective phrase to provide even more detail. For instance: Modifier + Head + Complement: very ...
What is an infinitive verb? What is a vivid verb for walk? What does the suffix -ness mean? What type of word is agreeableness? What type of word is "what" in grammar? What is a present participle? What is the meaning of the suffix -able?
An infinitive phrase includes an infinitive, plus any modifiers and complements. Prepositional Phrase Examples: (Across the street is the prepositional phrase. It functions as an adjective phrase, modifying the noun house.) I have a scratch on my arm. (On my arm is the prepositional phrase. ...
"There may be very little difference between a noun phrase and anadjective phrasein structures where the adjectives occur before the word it qualifies. Most noun phrases consist of a head noun plus one or more adjectives, or indeed an adjective phrase itself. Consider the examples ina, below....