其实英语是个大熔炉,因为有很多外来词,发音规则并不像严谨的德语那样固定.也就是说,不一定看了拼写就会发音,有的词老外也搞不清怎么发,比如你可以去谷歌上搜搜"how to pronounce Leanne",有一个就是雅虎问答上老外问的.因为这个词,你一看,ea不是发长音一嘛,有可能ne后面就发n嘛,但是发成丽安这样,却是其...
All summer long she found ways to trip me up. No sooner had I learned how to pronounce bicarbonate of soda and memorized its location on the shelf,than Miss Bee rearranged the shelves and made me hunt for it all over again. By summer’s end the shopping trip that had once taken me ...
it will tell you the most common one first), how to pronounce it, how to capitalize it (if it's a proper noun), what part of speech it is and so on.Dictionaries can also sometimes give the synonyms and the antonyms of a word.So, for example, if your ...
Learn finals "ün" in Pinyin 2013-03-24 09:00 本文支持点词翻译 Powered by 沪江小DHow to read: ün Pronounce "ü" first, then gradually turn to "n". - Error happens ╥﹏╥ - 00:00 / 00:00 Phrases: 云yún:cloud 裙子qún zi :skirt ...
If you don’t have a fully understanding about these rules, it’s easy to make mistakes like confusing the vowels, which is a common mistake made by many foreigners. It’s hard to master a language if you can’t pronounce the words right. 很多人都以为,学不好口语是因为自己口音太重。但...
Enunciate on heavy consonant words. Pronounce that T in "duty" as T: not as the American D as doody so that duty is pronounced dewty or a softer jooty. 在读辅音的时候要加重语气!“duty”中发T音的时候,不要像美音中,把duty读成Doody,这样的发音太重了。在英音中,duty应该发成稍微轻柔一些,...
How do you spell that? (请问这个单词怎么拼写?) —Какэтопишется? How do you pronounce this word? (这个词怎么发音?) —Какпроизноситсяэтослово? Have a nice day! (祝你过得愉快!) —Хорошегодня!
My method is "write and pronounce". Writing words on paper leaves a visual memorytrailof the words. If you just look words, you may forget them quickly, but writing them makes you concentrate on them more efficiently. Reading words aloud gives you aphoneticmemory trail. It creates an echoin...
How do you say it in English? 中式思维表达为:how to say this in English? 而地道的英语表达为: How do you say it in English? How to say是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中式英语之一,这觉不是地道的英语说法。同样的句子有: How do you spell that please? 这个词如何拼写? How do you pronounce this ...
Adele addresses mispronunciation of her name for years, reveals ‘perfectly’ correct way The singer revealed how to correctly pronounce her name during Los Angeles event Adelehas turned the tables on her fans, revealing that many have been saying her name improperly for years. TheGrammy-Award-win...