个人感觉这种百货商店特别的谨慎,可能是经常有信用卡诈骗吧。像 amazon 基本上没什么压力,地址换来换去也不管。 如果觉得你风险大,直接给你个 unable to verify your address 几个彩蛋 AMEX 的副卡并不验证账单地址,你甚至可以随便写地址都能通过 Amazon 老账户上 billing 可以乱套,名字也可以乱套。
5月1日劳动节前,一大批美国亚马逊卖家账号收到了明信片地址验证的邮件通知,其中也包括我的,所以我也来分享一下。可真是放假也不让人省心呀,果然劳动节也不能少劳动是吗? 亚马逊给了2个月时间完成地址验证,实际上几天之内就可以完成了。2个月时间内没完成的话,亚马逊就不会打款到收款账户,直至公司地址得到验证。
We're sorry, but Amazon Web Services could not verify your email address. You will not be able to send email to or from this address until it is verified. The following troubleshooting tips may help resolve this issue: Confirm that the verification link has not expired.The link in the ver...
Example of Address Verification Service (AVS) Imagine a customer is shopping online at Amazon.com. When the customer enters their billing address during checkout, the following happens: Amazon'spayment gatewaytransmits this address data to the customer’s credit card brand (e.g., Visa, MasterCar...
Is Amazon actually giving you a competitive price? This little known plugin reveals the answer. It is important to note that the Address Verification System is not required by the credit card company in most cases. It is an optional level of security that merchants or credit card banks may ...