APSEZ将成为控股股东,并将EAGL纳入其账簿。 EAGL签署了一份股份购买协议,从Hutchison Port Holdings Limited(及其子公司Hutchison Port Investments Limited)和Harbours Investment Limited手中收购Tanzania International Container Terminal Services Limited(TICTS)95%的股份,收购对价为3,950万美元。TICTS目前拥有所有港口装...
About Steinweg Mundra (Adani Port) In India we offer Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ) services. We have our own facilities at the newly opened FTWZ at Adani Port in Mundra (Gujarat State) and we are as well active in Panvel near the port of Nhava Sheva in Mumbai. The FTWZ facilitates...
APSEZ將成為控股股東,並將EAGL納入其帳簿。 EAGL簽署了一份股份購買協議,從Hutchison Port Holdings Limited(及其子公司Hutchison Port Investments Limited)和Harbours Investment Limited手中收購Tanzania International Container Terminal Services Limited (TICTS) 95%的股份,收購對價為3950萬美元。TICTS目前擁有所有港口...
印度最大的私营港口运营商阿达尼港口和经济特区(Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone)周二表示,将斥资134.9亿卢比(合1.6174亿美元)收购奥里萨邦戈帕尔普尔港(Gopalpur port) 95%的股份,以加强其在东海岸的业务。 阿达尼港口将从房地产集团Shapoorji Pallonji Group (SP Group)手中收购Gopalpur港56%的股份,从Orissa S...
NEW DELHI - Billionaire Gautam Adani's Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd. will spend about 12 billion rupees ($216 million) to build a bulk-cargo terminal in India's west coast, its biggest contract from a state-owned port.Manila Bulletin...
Mundra Port renamed Adani PortsByP.R. Sanjai
印度最大的私人港口和物流公司阿达尼港口和经济特区 (APSEZ) 已完成对 Gangavaram 港口的收购,以 64.5 亿卢比(8740 万美元)收购了安得拉邦政府 10.4% 的股份。 APSEZ 和 Gangavaram Port 的董事会也批准了此次合并,从而以 APSEZ 的 159 股换取 GPL 的 1,000 股股份,以换取 DVS Raju 及其家族持有的 58.1...
Adani Ports将收购Gangavaram Port 阿达尼港口是经济特区有限公司(APSEZ)印度最大的港口和物流公司,也是阿达尼集团的一部分,已获得艾哈迈达巴德和海得拉巴法院的批准,通过复合安排计划收购甘加瓦拉姆港口有限公司(GPL)剩余58.1%的股份。 Adani Ports收购
Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited is an India-based integrated ports and logistics company. The Company's segments include port and special economic zone (SEZ) activities, and other. The port and SEZ activities segment, which includes developing, operating and maintaining the port servic...
Construction of the $900 million port had seen a four month-long standstill from protests in 2022. The port, which has strategic importance for both India and company owner Gautam Adani, will upon completion be the country's first container transshipment hub, rivaling Dubai, Singapore and Sri ...