Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and get the best value in digital Bible study. Start 14-day free trialLearn More Resources for Isaiah 40:5, Acts 2:17-2:21 Find resource All Study Bibles Encyclopedias Commentaries Dictionaries Bible Studies Maps Videos Overview 72 results Suggested Resou...
Atti 17:21 BDG (Bisogna dire che tutti gli Ateniesi e gli stranieri che abitavano ad Atene non avevano passatempo migliore di questo: discutere le novità!) CEI Tutti gli Ateniesi infatti e gli stranieri colà residenti non avevano passatempo più gradito che parlare e sentir parlare. ...
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary Map & detailed data on Berea Greek lexicon of Acts 17:11 Definition of noble Distinguished by rank or title Pertaining to persons so distinguished Of, belonging to, or constituting a hereditary class that has special social or political status in a country or stat...
--The relative, if we take the meaning given above, must be referred to the "times," not to "things." The words, compared with 2Peter 1:21, are, as it were, the utterance of a profound dogmatic truth. The prophets spake as "they were moved by the Holy Ghost"; but He who ...
You can use the right words with a wrong meaning. It is not enough to tell me the words a man employed; I must see the man himself; I must hear his own voice; I must get into the music of his utterance before I can tell you what the words really mean. When the Jews said to ...
2) Even after we receive the Holy Ghost we can really mess up. Therefore we need the KJV Holy Bible, and we NEED the Holy Ghost more than ever, and we need each other, to be able to receive the reproof of life. 3) We MUST hear the voice of God. ...
Introduction: The Bible is “Holy Scripture”, Unlike Any Other Book! Chapter 1: What Makes This Bible Study Guide Different From Other Teachings? Chapter 2: The Mystery of the Gospel: The Whole Bible Points to Jesus Christ, The “Word” Chapter 3: The Key to Biblical Understanding: We Mu...
2. l. 3. Haeres. 80. Geneva Study Bible{7} And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where {e} prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither. (7) God begins his kingdom in Macedonia by the conversion of ...
Acts 17:22 nuBibeln (Swedish Contemporary Bible)(NUB)Swedish Contemporary Bible (nuBibeln) Copyright © 2015 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.;Svenska 1917(SV1917)by Public Domain;Svenska Folkbibeln(SFB)1996, 1998 by Stiftelsen Svenska Folkbibeln;Svenska Fo...
Acts 21:40 Or possibly Hebrew; also in 22:2 Acts 22:20 Or witness Acts 23:5 Exodus 22:28 Acts 23:23 The meaning of the Greek for this word is uncertain. Acts 24:7 Some manuscripts include here him, and we would have judged him in accordance with our law. 7 But the commander Ly...