ACS的新刊与开放获取期刊 2020年美国化学会将推出三种新的期刊,包括环保领域的《ACS ES&T Water》和《ACS ES&T Engineering》,另一种是JACS的姐妹刊——开放获取期刊《JACS Au》。ACS于2015年推出了旗下首本开放获取期刊《ACS Central Science》,随后在2016...
小木虫论坛-学术科研互动平台 » 学术交流区 » 论文投稿 » 交流 » ACS ES&T Water的审稿周期如何?16 2/1 返回列表 查看: 3291 | 回复: 15 只看楼主@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 【有奖交流】积极回复本帖子,参与交流,就有机会分得作者 lijibign 的 75 个...
This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years ...
The electron density was studied for the ground state of three groups of molecules: (1) methane–methanol–carbon dioxide, (2) water–hydrogen peroxide, and (3) ferrous oxide–ferric oxide. We now report a preliminary finding: no chemical shift changes were detected in the concentration range ...