MSVUstands for Mount Saint Vincent University (Halifax, Nova Scotia) Suggest new definition This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Link/Page Citation ...
She holds a Master of Arts degree in Liberal Studies from New York University, a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Bucknell University, and is a licensed engineer.Nontraditional Employment for Women Shvabrin, editors Bucknell University Press c/o Associated University Press 2010 Ea...
This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. See otherdefinitions of OSU Other Resources: We have 76 othermeanings of OSUin our Acronym Attic ...
BSACBachelor of Science in Accountancy (various schools) BSACBiotechnology Science Advisory Committee (EPA) BSACBenedictine Study and Arts Centre (London, UK) BSACBoating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC) BSACBass Strait Aquatic Club (Rye on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia) ...
3 definitions of BALS. Meaning of BALS. What does BALS stand for? BALS abbreviation. Define BALS at
Science & Medicine (0) Organizations, Schools, etc. (3) Business & Finance (1) Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning BARECBachelor of Arts in Recreation (degree) BARECBay Area Research and Extension Center (California) ...
BAF Benefit Audit Fund (State of California unemployment system) BAF Best Affiliate Forward BAF Battle Analysis Facility BAF Bellcore AMA Format BAF Bulgarian Aikido Federation (martial arts) BAF Burma American Fund (est. 1989) BAF Business Application Framework BAF Beltsville Assembly Facili...
Suggest new definition This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Business, finance, etc. Other Resources: We have 1 othermeaning of ABEDAin our Acronym Attic Link/Page Citation
SBstands for Salary Band Suggest new definition This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Business, finance, etc. See otherdefinitions of SB Other Resources: We have 133 othermeanings of SBin our Acronym Attic ...
BHSABoalt Hall Student Association (University of California, Berkeley) BHSABiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Amstelodamensis (Hebrew Bible) BHSABrooklyn High School of the Arts (New York) BHSABottom Hole Spring Assembly (gas wells) BHSABanco Hipotecario SA (Spanish: Mortgage Bank SA; Argentina)...