1. 解释"acrobat failed to send a dde command"错误的含义 "acrobat failed to send a dde command" 错误通常指的是 Adobe Acrobat Reader 或 Adobe Acrobat 专业版在尝试通过动态数据交换(Dynamic Data Exchange, DDE)与其他应用程序(如Microsoft Word或Excel)通信时失败了。DDE 是一种协议,允许不同的 Windows...
acrobat failed to send a DDE command pdf文件打不开,报出这个问题。win7的系统 阅读器不能发送动态数据交换指令。 就是说你这个PDF文件损坏 或者你的PDF软件损坏了
打开了一个PDF的文件,但是无法翻看,也关不掉,出现acrobat failed to send a DDE command,请大家帮忙, PDF文件损坏 或者PDF软件损坏如果你确信PDF软件没有问题,应该就是PDF文件有问题了 打开其他文件试试,如果打开其他文件没问题,你就可以放弃打开这个有问题的PDF了
You can fix the acrobat failed to send a DDE command error byrestarting the system. Getting an up-to-date version of Acrobat also serves as a reasonable solution to this error. If these methods don’t work, you can also opt for scrutinizing registry settings. ...
For some reason around 2 weeks ago, instead of opening reports in Adobe Acrobat, it now generates an Adobe Acrobat fatal error, "Acrobat failed to send a DDE command". We have tried completely removing Adobe Acrobat using the removal / cleanup tool but we're still getting the ...
I have a large collection of craft CDs which used to run okay on Vista format, but my new computer running Windows 8.1 is a nightmare, these CDs won't even run from the hard drive or via the DVD drive. I keep getting Fatal Error - Acrobat failed to send a DDE comma...
What does it mean when it says Acrobat failed to send a DDE command? This error message typically indicates that there is a problem with the DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) protocol. This protocol is used by Acrobat to communicate with other applications. If there’s a problem with it then Acr...
For some reason around 2 weeks ago, instead of opening reports in Adobe Acrobat, it now generates an Adobe Acrobat fatal error, "Acrobat failed to send a DDE command". We have tried completely removing Adobe Acrobat using the removal / cleanup tool but we're ...
For some reason around 2 weeks ago, instead of opening reports in Adobe Acrobat, it now generates an Adobe Acrobat fatal error, "Acrobat failed to send a DDE command". We have tried completely removing Adobe Acrobat using the removal / cleanup tool but we're ...
For some reason around 2 weeks ago, instead of opening reports in Adobe Acrobat, it now generates an Adobe Acrobat fatal error, "Acrobat failed to send a DDE command". We have tried completely removing Adobe Acrobat using the removal / cleanup tool but we're still getting...