Conclusions:Although patellar height slightly, but significantly, decreased at 6 months after anatomical ACLR with BTB autograft, it was not affected by the length and CSA of harvested grafts. The decrease in postoperative patellar height was observed only in male subjects, suggesting the potential ...
Objective The aim of this study is to determine the outcome of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction without foreign material with patellar tendon bone graft in the fixation with bone dowels near the native insertion.关键词: Knee - ACL - Press fit - BTB patellar tendon bone - Bone ...
There remains considerable variation in the post-operative practices and rehabilitation regimens after isolated ACL reconstruction, which has not been considered with regards to outcome. Currently, the majority of procedures are conducted as Day Case surgery, with immediate full weight bearing, without br...
varusandhyperextensionstressesMechanismofInjuryinACLInjuriesMechanismofInjuryinACLInjuriesjyjjyj Non-contactPivot,Internal/Externalrotation(mostcommon~80%)rotation(mostcommon80%)◦Internal(external)rotationofthetibiaduringside-steppingorcuttinggppggmanoeuvrewiththekneebetween0°-25°◦Landingfromajumpwitha...
(ACLR-BTB) or hamstring tendon autograft (ACLR-HS), using retrospective propensity score matching techniques to generate comparable cohorts.#The study was designed as a retrospective chart review, with collection of cross-sectional data from a single pediatric tertiary care center over a thirteen ...
of the lower extremity, one legged hop testing for distance and the measurement of the circumference of the thigh 15 cm proximal to the joint line, by comparing them to the isokinetic strength testing 5 to 9 years after an ACL reconstruction with a bone-patellar tendon-bone (BTB) autograft....
Subsartorial saphenous nerve blockade (SSNB) is an effective analgesic alternative to femoral nerve blockade after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with bone-tendon-bone (BTB) autograft. It was hypothesized that dexamethasone in a SSNB will prolong analgesia, improve pain and ...
Recently, quadriceps tendon (QT) autograft has increased in popularity since 2014.Conclusion Autograft (HT, BTB, QT) is an overwhelming favorite for primary ACLR over allograft. The preference for HT autograft increased over the study period relative to BTB autograft, with QT autograft gaining in ...
Evaluation of tibial bone-tunnel changes with X-ray and computed tomography after ACL reconstruction using a bone-patella tendon-bone autograft. Int Orthop 2006;30:99-103Ito MM, Tanaka S (2006) Evaluation of tibial bone-tunnel changes with X-ray and computed tomography after ACL reconstruction ...
The ACL was reconstructed using a patellar tendon autograft with a press-fit fixation. Between 1987 and 1991, 159 patients were operated by the senior author (PH), 95 could be seen for follow-up. Evaluation included detailed history, physical examination, functional knee ligament testing, KT-...