but it is still compatible. the problem is i'm having some driver issues. one of them is screen flickering when the pc is plugged in, which from what i've read in other threads could be due to a driver problem and i'm almost sure of this, since when i uninstall the drivers, the...
the replacement motherboard is not exactly the model of my pc, but it is still compatible. the problem is i'm having some driver issues. one of them is screen flickering when the pc is plugged in, which from what i've read in other threads could be due to a driver problem and i'...
宏碁(Acer)Aspire系列AspireA715-71G说明书(1)用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 用户手册 2 - © 2017. 版权所有。 Aspire 7 适用范围:Aspire A715-71G 本次修订:2017 年 4 月 注册 Acer ID 并享受巨大优惠 打开 [Acer Portal] (Acer 门户)应用程序以注册 Acer ID ,或如果已有 Acer ID 可...
宏碁A715-71G-59YY买了挺长时间的咯,拆机视频、图解都找不到,趁着拆机清灰(宏碁a715-71g)折腾一下上下图。8GB(8GB×1)2333HZ/128GB金士顿+1TB希捷5400转/128M缓存/不支持触控/1920x1080/45%色域IPS屏(京东方NV156FHM-N42)/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/4G独显/背光键盘,全尺寸键盘(包含独立数字键盘)/黑色...
5、win10安装完成后就可以进行系统的相关设置了,之后便可使用win10系统。如图: 宏基acer a715-71g笔记本使用u启动u盘安装win10系统的操作方法就为小伙伴们详细分享到这里了,如果用户们不知道电脑怎么使用u启动u盘安装系统,可以根据上述方法步骤进行操作哦,希望本篇教程能够帮到大家,更多精彩教程请关注u启动官方网站。
Hello, I have an ACER ASPIRE 7 A715-71G-75B3. I don't really know how it happened but after a reboot, the master bios password wasn't working anymore. What's even weirder is that I can't even type all the caraters of my pwd in the bios d...
处理器型号:Intel 酷睿i7 7700HQ 处理器主频:2.8GHz 核心数/线程:四核心/八线程 内存容量:8GB 硬盘容量:128GB+1TB 屏幕尺寸:15.6英寸 屏幕分辨率:1920×1080 显卡类型:性能级独立显卡 显卡芯片:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 显存容量:4GB ...
商品名称:联想(Lenovo) 宏碁Acer暗影骑士擎/龙笔记本固态硬盘AN515-52 51 54加速拓展 M.2 2280 Nvme/Pcie 2TB A515-52/A515-52G/A715-71G 商品编号:10076760883265 店铺: 捷成电脑办公专营店 容量:2TB及以上 接口:M.2接口(NVMe协议) 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东...
nvme是基于pcie的协议,m2是接口的形状,m2接口可以同时支持sata和pcie(看起来外观一样的m2 ssd,可能...