; break; case Outlook.OlAccountType.olImap: builder.AppendLine("Imap"); break; case Outlook.OlAccountType.olOtherAccount: builder.AppendLine("Other"); break; case Outlook.OlAccountType.olPop3: builder.AppendLine("Pop3"); break; } builder.AppendLine(); } // Display the account information...
HRESULT GetAccountInformation( [out] LPWSTR *ppwszAccountName ); 参数 [out] ppwszAccountName 指向以 null 结尾的字符串的指针,该字符串包含当前工作项的帐户名称。 为本地系统帐户返回空字符串 L“”。 处理帐户名后,请务必调用 CoTaskMemFree 以释放字符串。 返回值 GetAccountInformation 方法返回...
Open interface,Account information,wx.getAccountInfoSync,Object wx.getAccountInfoSync(),Return value,Object,sample code
a将逃账者的资料:姓名、性别、国籍、金额、原因、付款方式、客源类别、住店日期等记录在大堂副理日志上,并做好并班跟办 Will run away the account material: The name, the sex, the nationality, the amount, the reason, the payment method, the source of tourists category, stay at an inn recording ...
[The ISyncSchedule::GetAccountInformation method is available for use through Windows XP. It is not available in subsequent versions of Windows.]Gets the user name of the account associated with the schedule.Syntaxc++ Copy HRESULT GetAccountInformation( [in, out] DWORD *pcbSize, [out] LPWSTR...
// https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/request-options.html#proxy $instagram = new \InstagramScraper\Instagram(new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['proxy' => 'tcp://localhost:8125'])); // Request with proxy $account = $instagram->getAccount('kevin'); \InstagramScraper\Instagram::setHttpClient(new ...
Learn more about your EA Account lock, ban, or suspension to find out what you can do to get back to your game.
$instagram = Instagram::withCredentials('username', 'password', '/path/to/cache/folder/'); $instagram->login(); // will use cached session if you can force login $instagram->login(true) $account = $instagram->getAccountById(3); echo $account->getUsername();...
HRESULT GetAccountInformation( [in, out] DWORD *pcbSize, [out] LPWSTR pwszAccountName ); Parameters pcbSize [in, out] Type: DWORD* A pointer to the size, in bytes, of pwszAccountName. On entry, it is the size of the buffer you provide. On exit, it is the size of the retrieved...
Boosts1 Views129 Participants1 I’m trying to add my account to Xcode 16.1, which is running on a virtual machine with macOS Sequoia 15.1. I was able to successfully sign in to my account on the virtual machine itself. I’m using a Mac Mini M2, but when I attempt to add my account...