A review of“Learning to Change the World: The Social Impact of One Laptop Per Child,”by Walter Bender, Charles Kane, Jody Cornish, and Neal Donahue (2012). NY: Palmgrave Macmillan,Educational Technology, 53(3), 54-55. Available:http://publicationshare.com/Ed-Tech-Book-Review-Curt-Bonk...
A review of“Learning to Change the World: The Social Impact of One Laptop Per Child,”by Walter Bender, Charles Kane, Jody Cornish, and Neal Donahue (2012). NY: Palmgrave Macmillan,Educational Technology, 53(3), 54-55. Available:http://publicationshare.com/Ed-Tech-Book-Review-Curt-Bonk...
Add a blueprint to a book from the player inventory: RIGHT BRACKET with the book in hand Copy into hand a temporary blueprint from the book list menu: LEFT BRACKET Delete a blueprint from the book list menu: X Delete the planner tool in hand: DELETE (press again to confirm it). Circ...
Car and Sheikh1 list a number of other potential disadvantages of e-mail, including widening of social disparities, absence of subtle emotive cues, inability to examine the patient at the time, threats to patient privacy, and overwhelming of providers. In this study, we have confined the use ...
Those with no primary care provider indicated several reasons for not having a regular primary health care provider from a list of possible reasons, as shown in Table 1. Additional responses provided by participants were “always in and out of jail,”“[b]ecause I’m on methadone they won...
Can I use dracut-sshd when my root account is locked? A: Yes, you can. However, you have to make sure that your account isn't locked with a!in/etc/shadow. If it is locked like that, you have to lock it differently, e.g. viausermod -p '*' rootor simply set a strong passwor...
Victoria L. Ewing1,2* , Rachel Tolhurst2, Andrew Kapinda1, Esther Richards2, Dianne J. Terlouw1,2 and David G. Lalloo2 Abstract Background: This study used qualitative methods to investigate the relationship between geographic access and gendered intra-...
Scenario 1: Consider a dataset maintained by a Human Resources (HR) department containing a list of all employees and a budget dataset, which contains salary forecasts and payments. These datasets are relatively non-sensitive by themselves, but when aggregated, the resulting dataset containing the ...
Each patient could complete up to 4 steps: step 1, referred to a transplant center for evaluation; step 2, had a potential living donor contact a transplant center for evaluation; step 3, added to the deceased donor waitlist; and step 4, received a transplant from a living or deceased ...
tuberculosis strains and mycobac- terial extracts were included in the list [1]. A subunit vaccine developed in N.F. Gamaleya Research Center was based on the fusion of mycobacterial proteins with cellulose-binding domain [49]. On the other hand, new areas of BCG vaccine application have ...