“Every local authority requires details of the applicant’s bank statements to verify this is a legitimate applicant and not a third party using the licence and name of a driver. The Council has a privacy notice for the data handling process in respect to the scheme which is published on t...
“Creating these woodlands close to urban areas will deliver on all these points, with the additional benefit of being created at no cost to the City Council due to the levels of external funding being obtained to deliver the project. This demonstrates that the Tree for Every Citizen is not ...
“Whilst we welcome Scottish Government’s recent announcement that it will consult imminently on the introduction from 2016 of a ban on the killing of wild salmon except under licence in order to ensure that ‘any killing of salmon is sustainable’, we are adamant that this should be underwrit...
LIBERAL-DEMOCRATS:Mixed views. In the Council group, Council leader John Stewart is the prime mover for the City Garden project when votes come up. He is also on the board for the City Garden project and is helping to progress the plans. On the other hand, Councillor Martin Greig and se...
Paris and London in just a few more years. If not, we may wind up twinned with Milton Keynes or Redditch. Anyway, I wrote to the city with my (emotive) criticisms of the scheme. In due course, I was invited to give a 5 minute deputation to the full council (Result!) on what I...
Aberdeen City Council’s handling of the grant is being reviewed by central government and data protection agencies following Aberdeen Voice’s investigations. Drivers here are told they can only apply electronically, must open a user account on the city’s website to access the application, and ...
Aberdeen City Council’s handling of the grant is being reviewed by central government and data protection agencies following Aberdeen Voice’s investigations. Drivers here are told they can only apply electronically, must open a user account on the city’s website to access the application, and ...