The GUI status type defines how the function codes are displayed:· A dialog status consists of a menu bar, a standard toolbar, an application toolbar, and function key settings. The standard function codes of the toolbar and the function codes linked to function keys but not to the ...
ABAP复制标准的GUISTATUSALV⼯具栏 进⼊SE80---函数组 ---SLVC_FULLSCREEN 选择GUI状态---STANDARD_FULLSCREEN,右键选择Copy 将标准的GUI状态复制到正在编辑的ALV报表程序中 在ALV报表中的GUI状态⾥对标准的STATUS加上⾃定义的按钮 在程序代码的调⽤ALV显⽰的函数⾥ CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_D...
The function of a GUI status is to provide the user with a range of functions on a screen. Each function has an associated function code of up to 20 characters, and when the user chooses a function, the PAI event is triggered. In each PAI event, the function code, as long as it ...
Dear community, recently I used ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC) to check an old report. The selection screen of the report uses an own GUI Status . To my surprise, ATC reported
在 : module status_0100中需要有如下代码:set pf-status '100_STATUS'.其中:100_STATUS 是 status 名称
求组我创了GUI S..4L有,再问个问题 我按照书上写了个成绩单报表 。结果说我的透明表ZTTEST_T不存在,书上的是TABLES:ZTTEST_T.
ABAP-程序下载程序 1 PROGRAM y4_b4_test19. 2 TABLES: trdir, seoclass, tfdir, enlfdir, dd02l, tadiv, dd40l, transfdesc. 3 TYPE-POOLS: abap, seor. 4 TYPES: ttexttable LIKE textpool. 5 6 TYPES: tguititle LIKE d347t. 7 TYPES: BEGIN OF tmessage, 8 arbgb LIKE t100-...
CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD' EXPORTING filename = p_fopen filetype = 'BIN' IMPORTING filelength = g_len_old TABLES data_tab = gt_pic_old. "转为XSTRING CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING' EXPORTING input_length = g_len_old IMPORTING ...
1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 ). endif. objFile->directory_browse( exporting initial_folder = initialFolder changing selected_folder = pickedFolder exceptions cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3...
实现效果 创建程序 创建TITLE 创建GUI状态 创建窗口 完整代码下载 在前面的模板是单窗口操作的主从窗口模板的代码模板,这人例子模板多窗口穿透显示主从数据的一人代码模板。 此模板主要用于有多人窗口需要穿透显示,并且第个窗口 上可有自定义的输入框、文本等控件及OO ALV等数据显示控件。 例子中涉及到三级主从表穿透...