(włącznie ze śmiercią), szkody nieruchomości i rzeczywiste szkody osobiste; lub za wszelkie inne, rzeczywiste i bezpośrednie szkody, wynikające z pominięcia lub niewykonania czynności prawnych wynikających z tego oświadczenia gwarancji, do kwoty określonej w u...
摘要: The aim of this article is to explore the practical meaning of John Dewey's claim that democracy has to be continuously recreated, by applying it to the preschool context. It takes its starting point in the notion of everyday democracy and, drawing on interviews with teachers who attem...
Children are particularly sensitive to pollutants. The reason for this is that, according to body weight, they breathe in more air than adults. Moreover, due to rapid growth, their immature immune system is more vulnerable to damage than already mature organisms. Children aged 3 to 6 spend la...