Small molecules that accomplish the same result would provide a powerful complement to the genetic approach, but it generally is believed that such molecules are rare. There are several natural products, however, that illustrate the feasibility of this approach. Split-pool synthesis now provides a ...
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Jacques DaunisGérard Del VecchioRobert JacquierHélène LopezGeorges Maury
The quantitative importance (several ppm) of the effect of solute–solvent van der Waals' interactions on the13C chemical shift is shown for a non polar solute,n-pentane, in solution in 17 solvents and in the gas phase. The van der Waals screening constant term is discussed in respect to...
The results obtained during this study are compared to those obtained from the reduction of the corresponding ketones by LiAlH4. [Journal translation]Jean-Claude RicherClaude Lamarrecanadian journal of chemistry
Désencyclopédie Aléatoire 4099 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 Désencyclopédie Aléatoire最新版截图 # Désencyclopédie Aléatoire最新版 版本:1.1 Désencyclopédie Aléatoire更新内容 修复部分小错误,提升整体稳定性。
This activity has been carried out in the Laboratory of Biotechnology for Food and Nutritional Sciences, University Ouaga I Pr Josph KY-ZERBO, Burkina Faso, and it was done from June to October 2018.Iliassou MogmengaYérobessor DadiréMarius K. SomdaIbrahim KeitaLewis I. EzeoguJerry Ugwuanyi...
Moussounda P S,Haroun M F,Rakotovelo G, et al.A theoretical study of CH4 dissociation on Pt (100) surface. Surface Science . 2007P. S. Moussounda, M. F. Haroun, G. Rakotovelo and P. Légaré, “A Theoretical Study of CH4 Dissociation on Pt(100),” Surface Science, Vol. 601,...
And how do you and the people you work…Paul PicconeTelos
The effects of zolpidem or zaleplon on sleep architecture, respiratory patterns and performance were assessed at a simulated altitude of 4,000 m. Twelve male healthy subjects spent 4 nights in a decompression chamber, 1 at sea level (baseline), 3 at 4,000 m to test zolpidem (10 mg), ...