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S. Raposeiras RoubínA. Virgos LamelaC. Barreiro PardalJ. R. González JuanateyJournal of Air Transport ManagementRoubin SR, Lamela AV, Pardal CB, Juanatey JR. Diagnostico de arteritis de Taka- yasu a los 64 an˜ os: ¿vale la pena pararse en la exploracion fisica? Rev Clin Esp....
Navegación aérea España 3097 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 Navegación aérea España最新版截图 # Navegación aérea España最新版 Accede rápidamente al AIP de España publicado por AENA desde el móvil o táblet. Descarga ...
英语翻译ѧ±¨±à¼¬²¿ÒѾ¬ÊÕµ½ÄúµÄÓʼþ¡£ 哪位能翻译这个奇怪的文字,
Analyses of quartiles differ between studies, with different cut-offs depending on the samples; this may be the reason why the results are different and sometimes contradictory. From the first study, a sub-analysis of the Framingham cohort, which concluded that there was no causal relationship ob...
Using Janosi and Hanamoto麓s equation, the deformation force and the deformation mode (k) soil-soil and soil-metal was determined, in function of moisture content. The conclusion was that moisture had a direct effect on cohesion, but not on adherence. The angle of internal friction soil-soil...
In the present study we examined whether 5-HT evokes sensory long-term facilitation (LTF) of the carotid body, and if so by what mechanism(s). Experiments were performed on anaesthetized adult rats and mice. Sensory activity was recorded from carotid bodies . Spaced (3 脳 15 s of 100 n...
T HillLibertas Academica
Background and objectives: The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of factor V Leiden (G1691A), prothrombin (G20210A) and MTHFR (C677T) gene mutations in 201 Turkish patients who were referred to our clinic with venous thrombosis complications such as deep venous thrombosis...
The first case of exercise-induced acute renal failure (EIARF) is reported measuring the blood flow and arterial resistance in the kidney by pulsed Doppler ultrasound. A 20-year-old Japanese male suffered from severe loin pain and non-oliguric acute renal failure after strenuous exercise, Serum...