Today has been a very different AS/A Level results day. It is clear that many young people across Northern Ireland are disappointed that they were not awarded the results they worked so hard for and deserved. Over the next number of days and weeks we will carry out a detailed analysis of...
英国A-level改革后,G5名校仍旧有两所大学“不忘初心”,继续要求申请者提交AS成绩,他们就是剑桥和LSE。 牛津并不care你有没有AS成绩,可如果提供那就必须得是高分!!AS成绩太低,录取机会怕是不乐观。 学习IAL国际课程的话, AS就占A-level成绩的一半,考不考我们好像也没得选择,而且AS成绩一定要高分才可以。因为...
It's important to remember that your application won't show your A-level results - you will be given these by your school/college on results day. The system is 'frozen' in the days leading up to A-level results day, meaning you won't be able to make any changes during this time. ...
今年CAIE考试局的IGCSE、AS、A-level成绩都会在8月11日同一天公布! 查成绩链接: 英国放榜时间 英国A-level放榜时间是8月13日星期四,GCSE放榜时间是8月20日星期四。 爱德思国际和牛津国际AQA也都参照英国时间。 爱德思查成绩链接:http://www.edexcelon...
🎟️ 明天就是A-Level Results Day啦! 📣 我们在华威大学带着一堆鸭子、天鹅和松鼠等你 🎙️欢迎大家晒出自己的offer并@英国华威大学,和我们一起分享你的喜悦 #华威校园##华威大学##大学申请#
We will be sharing the full A Level results and some impressive individual achievements next week. Stay tuned! 我们激动人心地宣布我校 12 和 13 年级学生在剑桥考试局AS和A Level考试中发挥出色。今年,所有参考学生在全部科目中取得了 100% 的 A*- C 成绩。...
A-Level成绩放榜日(Result Day)就在今天!祝大家取得满意的成绩!如果你还没有拿到#雷丁大学#Offer,不用担心,#雷丁大学#的Clearing本科补录正在进行中!⏱请同学们务必在申请前向国际办公室招生官咨询,防止申请课程出现已经满额的情况。如果有任何问题,可以拨打📞+44 (0)118 402 0900 联系本科招生团队。更多详情...
Ahead of A-level results day 2023, head of sixth form Claire Green offers advice on how teachers can help students who are disappointed with their grades
A-Level Results Day 2024 is fast approaching. If you’re a UK student, Thursday 15th August will be the day that you are handed your results and find out if you have been accepted to your chosen university. With university applications increasing at a record scale, it’s crucial that you...
今年CAIE考试局的IGCSE、AS、A-level成绩都会在8月11日同一天公布! 查成绩链接: 英国放榜时间 英国A-level放榜时间是8月13日星期四,GCSE放榜时间是8月20日星期四。 爱...