A Level出分日! 大家快拿出小本本来划重点:出分时间为协调世界时(UTC)8月13日早上5:00,也就是北京时间8月13日中午13:00。 图片来源 CAIE官网 这两天,隔着屏幕小编都能感受到大家忐忑不安的心情和强烈的求生欲。 众所周知,...
A-Level Results Day 2024 is fast approaching. If you’re a UK student, Thursday 15th August will be the day that you are handed your results and find out if you have been accepted to your chosen university. With university applications increasing at a record scale, it’s crucial that you...
Ahead of A-level results day 2023, head of sixth form Claire Green offers advice on how teachers can help students who are disappointed with their grades
Hundreds of thousands of students will get their A-level results today across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, in the first exams held since before the COVID pandemic. But ahead of students opening envelopes containing their results this morning, Education Secretary Ja...
原链接:【A-level Results Day】转发这个高分锦鲤,明天各科成绩全A*!!! 一转眼, 明天CAIE就要放!榜!啦! 今年CAIE考试局的IGCSE、AS、A-level成绩都会在8月11日同一天公布! 查成绩链接:https://myresults.cie.org.uk/cie-candidate-results/login
We will be sharing the full A Level results and some impressive individual achievements next week. Stay tuned! 我们激动人心地宣布我校 12 和 13 年级学生在剑桥考试局AS和A Level考试中发挥出色。今年,所有参考学生在全部科目中取得了 100% 的 A*- C 成绩。...
今年英国本土的A-level放榜时间是8月18日星期四。 再带大家回顾一下各大国际考试局放榜时间: 成绩查询: CIE: https://myresults.cie.org.uk/cie-candidate-results/login 爱德思: http://www.edexcelonline.com 牛津AQA: 牛津国际AQA,只有学校老师才可以登录查成绩,独立考生也通过BC,学生无法自己查询成绩。...
如果Results Day那天你无法在线查询成绩,就应该提前与校方联系,方便他们做出相应的安排。 你还应该在Results Day当天尽快检查UCAS Track,如果你打算参加Clearing,也请先和校方取得联系,因为这可以大大扩大你的选择范围。 图片来自网络 ▓如果你已经取得了预期的成绩,并且满足了Conditional Firm(CF),你还需要在Results Da...
🎟️ 明天就是A-Level Results Day啦! 📣 我们在华威大学带着一堆鸭子、天鹅和松鼠等你 🎙️欢迎大家晒出自己的offer并@英国华威大学,和我们一起分享你的喜悦 #华威校园##华威大学##大学申请#
The problem with A level results day is it’s an intense time. And with plenty of different courses and alternatives to choose from, how do you know if you’re making the right decision? Clearing Plus eases this process by using what UCAS knows about you to suggest a list of courses yo...