Early detection and identification of plant diseases from leaf images using machine learning is an important and challenging research area in the field of agriculture. There is a need for such kinds of research studies in India because agriculture is one
Due to the complexity of the formulations, enhanced by the sensibility of the analysis to detect even traces of exogenous contaminations, special attention was paid to typical markers likely to be found in the composition (galactopyranose sequences, anhydro-bridge indicating different CAR types, and...
Analysis of Electrodermal Activity Signal Collected During Visual Attention Oriented Tasks. IEEE Access 2019, 7, 88186–88195. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zontone, P.; Affanni, A.; Bernardini, R.; Piras, A.; Rinaldo, R.; Formaggia, F.; Minen, D.; Minen, M.; Savorgnan, C. Car...
Deep ConvLSTM with Self-Attention for Human Activity Decoding Using Wearable Sensors. IEEE Sens. J. 2021, 21, 8575–8582. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Singh, S.P.; Wang, L.; Gupta, S.; Gulyas, B.; Padmanabhan, P. Shallow 3D CNN for Detecting Acute Brain Hemorrhage from Medical ...
Specifically, ViT-B/L [14] is chosen as the encoder, and a lightweight transformer model that only has eight self-attention blocks is adopted as the decoder. Then, all input images are regulated into 224 × 224 pixels and divided into non-overlapping 16 × 16 patches (i.e., vision ...
As an alternative, spectral sensing has gained much attention for crop management and yield estimation over the past few years [6,8], with its application to high-throughput plant phenotyping efforts also showing considerable promise [9]. Importantly, narrowband hyperspectral measurement has the ...
This helps build models focusing on the center annotated regions of interest with higher confidence (by assigning higher weight), and in the meantime, for confusing bordering regions, with lower attention in these blurry or unclear cell borders while training. Figure 2 presents the workflow of the...