emellea对《A Good Girl's Guide to Murder - 039》发表的评论:这让我想到StevenKing四季奇谈的第二篇《纳粹高徒》butit’skindadifferent,thatonewasdarkandsortofmakesmesi...
A good-time girl "A good-time girl" 这个短语在英语中通常指的是一个喜欢参加派对、寻求快乐和享受生活的年轻女性,有时候可能带有轻微的负面含义,暗示这样的女性可能不太负责任或不太注重传统价值观。 例如: - She's known as a good-time girl who is always ...
Lexi Peters a 14-year-old girl in New York loves hockey. She’s not only good at playing on her after-school team but also at playing hockey video games. But when Peters played the popular NHL (National Hockey League) games made by Electronic Arts something really bothered her. The virtu...
A quite prestigious job was being one of the big land owners - agriculturists, we'd say today - who ran farms, ranches, and owned the vineyards (wine from the slopes of Vesuvius was considered quite good). We really don't know much about these people and as like as not, many of th...
Chris: Everything in the world was going good for him. Nick had his first-ever girlfriend, a classmate. "48 Hours" agreed not to show her face. She was the 16-year-old daughter of a Reston, Virginia, couple — Scott Fricker and his wife Buckley Kuhn Fricker. ...
She accused former CBS CEO Les Moonves of sexual assault. Moonves emphatically denies Carroll’s accusation. Personally, I think Carroll is a nutcase who fantasizes about being raped. When I was much younger than I am today I knew a girl who would only have sex with you if you role played...
The prevalence of clinical multidrug-resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been increasing rapidly worldwide over the years and responsible for a wide range of acute and chronic infections with high mortalities. Although hundreds of complete genomes