Novel War Tank Resembles A Rolling Ball: An inventor with an overactive imagination proposed a fighting machine that was shaped like a marble to deflect enemy fire.(Looking Back/July 1936: From The Popular Science Archives)Harbison, Martha
A collective of bibliophiles talking about books. Book Fox (vulpes libris): small bibliovorous mammal of overactive imagination and uncommonly large bookshop expenses. Habitat: anywhere the rustle of pages can be heard.
mothers’ depression degree was associated with boy’s Tree Generosity, and mother’s perceptions of their girl’s exposure to trauma was related to Person Agency, Tree Generosity, and As-Real-R factors; furthermore, a significant difference was found between the narrative focus of drawings in ...
焱走天下 - 【电吉他】Death-Overactive Imagination 翻弹完整版猜你喜欢 茶色玫瑰-九宝乐队 特斯河之赞 天涯孤客-灰色轨迹(尾奏) 逍遥游-《你的答案》听着上瘾,黎明的那道光会越过黑暗,打破一切恐惧我能找到答案 王志刚-萨顶顶在环球综艺秀以一首《左手指月》惊艳全场,她的高音太震撼,老外听得目瞪口呆 一世...
McGuigan, Cathleen