The AR Tau-5R2−R3 protein was parameterized using the a99SB-disp force field; water molecules were parameterized with the a99SB-disp water model88. 1aa was parameterized using the GAFF89 for ligand forcefield parameters. The replica exchange with solute tempering (REST2) algorithm90 was ...
('#force_as_image').featherlight('image'); // Equivalent: $('#force_as_image').featherlight({type: {image: true}}); </script> <a id="force_as_image2" href="#">See in a lightbox</a> <script>$('#force_as_image2').featherlight('photo_without_extension', {type:{image: true...
You'll now host this wrapped key inside of the key reponse at a location Salesforce can request. To secure this, Cache-Only Keys leverage a feature calledNamed Credentials Named Credentials provide customers a way to make secure web service calls that leverage popular authentication formats. All...
In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, more and more people begin to invest into the stock market. Accurately predicting the change of stock price can reduce the investment risk of stock investors and effectively improve the investment return. Due to the volatility characterist...
β-catenin is a multifunctional protein that plays crucial roles in embryonic development, physiological homeostasis, and a wide variety of human cancers. Previously, we showed that in vivo targeted ablation of β-catenin in melanoma-associated fibroblas
*1. Models with S-mark certification have an "-S" at the end of the model number. Example: F3SJ-A0245P30-S *2. The F3SJ-A--TS series with the suffix "-TS" are auto reset fixed models. Function settings using the setting console F39-MC21 or PC tool F39-GWUM ...
*1. Models with S-mark certification have an "-S" at the end of the model number. Example: F3SJ-A0245P30-S *2. The F3SJ-A--TS series with the suffix "-TS" are auto reset fixed models. Function settings using the setting console F39-MC21 or PC tool F39-GWUM ...
d3-force@1: version "1.2.1" resolved "https://registry.npmmirror.com/d3-force/-/d3-force-1.2.1.tgz#fd29a5d1ff181c9e7f0669e4bd72bdb0e914ec0b" integrity sha512-HHvehyaiUlVo5CxBJ0yF/xny4xoaxFxDnBXNvNcfW9adORGZfyNF1dj6DGLKyk4Yh3brP/1h3rnDzdIAwL08zg== dependencies: ...
Acetylation contributes to the bioactivity of numerous medicinally important natural products. However, little is known about the acetylation on sugar moieties. Here we report a saponin acetyltransferase from Astragalus membranaceus. AmAT7-3 is discovere