1001.A+B Format (20)的感受 这是提交到Github的object-oriented文件夹里面的代码:https://github.com/sonnypp/object-oriented/tree/master/1001. 一、解题的思路: 首先我们先写出a+b的代码;然后呢,先判断sum是否等于0,乳沟是的话,就输出0,否则,我们用for循环把加好的sum先除10取余,并且用数组保存起来,就...
int a,b,c,i=0,temp,a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2,t=0; scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); c=a+b; if((c>0&&c<1000)||(c<0&&c>-1000)) printf("%d",c); else if((c>1000&&c<1000000)||(c>-1000000&&c<-1000)){ c=c/1000; a=a%1000; b=b%1000; if((a+b)%10000) printf("%d,%d%d%d...
最新代码@github,欢迎交流 #include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>intmain(){inta,b,pos;charnum[11];scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);sprintf(num,"%d",a+b);for(pos=strlen(num)-3;pos>0&&num[pos-1]!='-';pos-=3){memmove(num+pos+1,num+pos,strlen(num)-pos+1);num[pos]=',';}puts(num);re...
链接:PAT (Advanced Level) Practice 1001 A+B Format Calculate a+b and output the sum in standard format -- that is, the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas (unless there are less than four digits). Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. Each cas...
事实上,YouTube是由You和Tube两个单词组合而成,正确发音是/'ju:tju:b/ 或者/'ju:tu:b/。 Kindle Kindle是由亚马逊Amazon设计和销售的一款电子阅读器,爱读书的小伙伴都会买来用,但很多人会念成/ˈkændl/,正确的发音应该是/'...
When you format a text column as rich text, the default rich text editor control is added automatically.Sign in to Power Apps. In the left navigation pane, select Solutions. Open a solution and a table in the solution. In the Columns and data area, select a text column. If the table ...
B-UNI Broadband User Network Interface 宽带用户网接口B2B Business to Business 企业到企业(电子商务)B2C Business to Consumer 企业到消费者(电子商务)BA Bandwidth Allocation 带宽分配BA Basic Access 基本接入BA Building Automation 楼宇自动化BA Business Audio 商用音频BAC Bus Adapter Control 总线适配器控制BACP...