鈥楤aby-walker鈥frames: a preventable factor in infant burnsMeyer
T眉rkiye A莽谋s谋ndan 鈥楤枚lge Kalk谋nma Ajanslar谋鈥Uygulamas谋n谋n De臒erlendirilmesi Bu 莽al谋艧mada son y谋llarda T眉rkiye鈥檇e de yans谋mas谋n谋 bulan yeni b枚lgeselcilik anlay谋艧谋 莽er莽evesinde g眉ndeme gelen b枚lge kalk谋nma ajanslar... E Yaklasim 被引量: 0发表...
A New Definition of the Subtype Relation The use of hierarchy is an important component of object-oriented design. Hierarchy allows the use of type families, in which higher level supertypes captu... B Liskov,JM Wing - Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 被引量: 225发表: 1993年 A framework for th...
A+醫學百科 >> 藥品百科 >> 中藥百科 >> 楤木 | 中藥圖典楤木 Sǒnɡ Mù 別名 刺龍包、雀不站、鳥不宿、刺老包 功效作用 祛風除濕,利尿消腫,活血止痛。用於肝炎,淋巴結腫大,腎炎水腫,糖尿病,白帶,胃痛,風濕關節痛,腰腿痛,跌打損傷。 英文名 始載於 毒性 歸經 藥性 平 藥味 甘、苦【拼音...
落葉小喬木,形體上較裏白楤木略大而粗壯,樹幹通直,基部有瘤刺,側枝及小枝密生銳刺,銳刺多呈螺旋狀排列,全株幼嫩部分及葉面被有鐵銹色毛茸。葉生枝端,二回羽狀複葉,對生,具短柄,小葉近於無柄;葉片長 8~15 公分,寬 4~8 公分,長卵形,葉基心形,葉尖呈銳尖,葉緣為粗鋸齒緣,下表面淺綠色,或稍帶粉白色;葉...
PROTESTERS HOPING to close down the World Trade Organisation meeting in Seattle scored their first small victory yesterday, as secret service agents reported a security breach at the Convention Center and forced delegates to stand outside for several hours while they checked the whole building.收藏...
a第一部分是日常家事代理权的概述,主要讲了它的概念、发展历史以及家事代理权的特征,从整体上对日常家事代理权有所把握; The first part is the daily family work power of attorney outline, mainly spoke its concept, the development history as well as the family work power of attorney characteristic, ov...
中文名称:楤木皂苷A 产品编号:AB0284 英文名称:Araloside A CAS号:7518-22-1 分子式:C47H74O18 分子量:927.07966 纯度:HPLC≥98.0% 规格:20mg/支 供应情况:大量现货 鉴定方法: 质谱(Mass), 核磁(NMR) 储存条件:2-8℃ 用途:用于含量测定/鉴定/药理实验等 我公司专注于中药对照品/标准样品/对照药材研发...
A+醫學百科楤木白皮條目介紹什麼是楤木白皮,楤木白皮有什麼功效和作用,楤木白皮的分布和形態,如何服用楤木白皮等。【出處】 《浙江民間草藥》 【拼音名】 Sǒnɡ Mù Bái...